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Flora and vegetation type of Kuanwu area
作者 邱清安曾喜育王俊閔許俊凱陳韋志
觀霧地區為臺灣北部重要森林資源據點,有必要掌握當地之植相與植群類型。本研究共記錄觀霧地區之維管束植物116科297屬544種(含種以下分類群),其中有187種臺灣特有種植物,及棣慕華鳳仙花、十大功勞、松葉蘭等52種稀有植物;且觀霧地區原生植物具備各種生活型,以地上植物(53.2%)種類最多;本區位處西北部內陸區,其蕨類商數達6.92,較全臺灣之平均值4.01為高,但未及東北內陸區之潮濕。由123個植群樣區之雙向歸群結果顯示,觀霧之現生植群呈多樣化的鑲嵌樣式,包含干擾後之草生地、演替早期階段的臺灣二葉松林與臺灣赤楊林、原生闊葉樹侵入的造林地、往演替後期的過渡植群及老熟的原始林等,而觀霧地區之潛在自然植群主要是以森氏櫟、卡氏櫧、假長葉楠等為優勢的溫帶常綠闊葉林,偶間雜著檜木、香杉等突出闊葉林冠層之針葉樹。綜合植相與植群的完整結果,不僅有助於瞭解本土植物資源,也可應用於經濟林建造、退化地之生態復育、原生植物景觀綠美化等多種面向。 As Kuanwu area is an important forest resource base on northern Taiwan, it is critical to understand the regional fl ora and vegetation. Totally 544 species and infraspecifi c taxa of vascular plants, including 187 endemic species and 52 rare species, were inventoried. Among the various life-form of native plants, mostly species are Phanerophytes (53.2%). The Pteridophyte-Quotient 6.92 of Kuanwu area is higher than 4.01 of Taiwan overall average. That implied the related humid environment of Kuanwu in Northwest inland region, but still can not comparable to that of Northeast inland region. The results of two-way cluster from 123 plots revealed the mosaic vegetation patterns including grassland, pine and alder forest after disturbance, unsuccessful plantation invaded by indigenous broad-leaved trees, transition vegetation from an early to later successional stage, and the mature primary forest. The potential natural vegetation is temperate evergreen broad-leaved forest often composed of Cyclobalanopsis morii, Castanopsis carlesii, and Machilus japonica, and sometimes mixed with emergent trees such as Chamaecyparis spp. and Cunninghamia konishii. Consequently, the comprehensive fl ora and vegetation information could not only know well locally biological resources, but could apply to economic afforestation and eclogical restoration as well as landscape greening using native plants.
起訖頁 249-270
關鍵詞 觀霧地區植物資源植相植群類型Kuanwu areaplant resourcefl oravegetation type
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201712 (39:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣地區小唇蘭與三葯細筆蘭小孢子發生及胚胎學研究
該期刊-下一篇 氣候變遷情境下臺灣四種單食性蝴蝶之時空分布模擬




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