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Junior Secondary History and Chinese History Textbooks and the Historical Memory of the Second World War in Hong Kong since the 1960s
作者 朱維理
2015年5月13日,香港政府宣布向立法會提交「特別假期(2015年9月3日)條例草案」,將該日訂為一次過的額外公眾假期及法定假日,讓香港市民有機會與內地人民一同參與中國人民抗日戰爭勝利70周年紀念日的活動,引起公眾嘩然。此因自1945年光復後,港英政府訂定8月30日為香港的光復紀念日,本地報章每年都發表紀念文章。同時,左派報章又轉載國內「抗戰勝利」的論述,本地由是並存了兩套二戰的論述。但是在港英政府與本地社會主導下,重光紀念日的歷史論述一直主導了本地社會的二戰話語,與不滿中國的社會聲音,共同促成了是次的迴響。由是之故,香港社會對於第二次世界大戰的歷史意識成為了解當下香港社會思潮,以及香港政治格局的切入點之一。故此,本文從歷史教科書的編寫作為切入點,探討本地為主的「光復紀念」與中國歷史及歷史科結合的過程,呈現為殖民論述、本地需要及右派文化民族觀結合的主流詮釋,並在回歸後轉化為抵抗「共產黨領導抗日戰爭」的論述,揭示本地社群身分認同的構成與背後的政治權力更替,從而嘗試解釋現今香港的歷史意識。 This paper discusses the relations between the historical memory of the Second World War and junior secondary history textbooks in Hong Kong since the 1960s. Borrowing Pierre Nora's ‘lieux de mémoire' framework, this study traces how the Hong Kong colonial government's commemoration of the colony's liberation from the Japanese occupation prevailed with the ‘Cultural China' narrative in history textbooks and public discourse before 1997. This narrative, however, was taken over by those of China's victory of the Second Sino-Japanese War after the Chinese government resumed Hong Kong sovereignty in 1997. The different interpretations on Hong Kong's experience during the Second World War thus became one of the tensions between China and Hong Kong after 1997.
This paper discusses the relations between the historical memory of the Second World War and junior secondary history textbooks in Hong Kong since the 1960s. Borrowing Pierre Nora's ‘lieux de mémoire' framework, this study traces how the Hong Kong colonial government's commemoration of the colony's liberation from the Japanese occupation prevailed with the ‘Cultural China' narrative in history textbooks and public discourse before 1997. This narrative, however, was taken over by those of China's victory of the Second Sino-Japanese War after the Chinese government resumed Hong Kong sovereignty in 1997. The different interpretations on Hong Kong's experience during the Second World War thus became one of the tensions between China and Hong Kong after 1997.
起訖頁 123-185
關鍵詞 香港歷史意識香港初中中國歷史及歷史教科書二次世界大戰Hong Kong Historical MemoryJunior Secondary Chinese History and History TextbookSecond World WarHong Kong Political CultureHistory and Memory
刊名 思與言  
期數 201706 (55:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 混血兒的身分認同與價值實現:香港報刊內外的施玉麒
該期刊-下一篇 政治的法律化:冷戰時期香港的地緣政治處境及其法治的鞏固




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