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The Identity Formation and Value Realization of a Eurasian: Canon George Zimmern in and out of the Hong Kong Periodicals
作者 陳煒舜
近年來,早已式微的香港混血群體引起了學界的關注,探討重點往往在於這些混血兒如何認同一己之身分、實現個人價值。出生於本地歐亞混血家族的施玉麒牧師(Rev. Canon George Samuel Zimmern,又稱Canon George She, 1904-1979),可謂一個特殊的個案。他童年就讀於中式書塾,其後負笈於聖公會開辦的拔萃書室和英國牛津大學,深受中西文化影響。其同代混血兒的生涯規劃,一般是成為專業人士、商人或公務員,生活洋化。而施玉麒由於童年困頓,加上學習環境的薰染,使他在取得大律師資格後選擇一條不同的道路,亦即成為社會活動家、神職人員和教育工作者,更多以華化的一面示人。本文在概述施牧生平後,先著眼於香港舊報刊中關於施牧之記載、報導,以見其價值實現的方式如何落實在(1)拔萃成員、(2)法律界人士、(3)社會活動家和(4)教育工作者的幾重身分之上,而這些身分又如何構造出他社會賢達的形象。然後,本文將視野移向報刊之外,從(1)家庭背景與政治傾向、(2)教育經歷與社會理念兩方面,論析施牧這種價值實現的背後又如何受到其身分認同之影響。 In the recent years, academic interest in Eurasian community in Hong Kong, is usually focused on the identity formation and value realization of these Eurasians. Born in a local Eurasia n family, Canon George Samuel Zimmern (1904-1979) can be regarded as a unique case, who was deeply influenced by Chinese and Western cultures. The routine career planning of the Eurasians of his age was usually becoming a professional, merchant or civil servant with a Western lifestyle. However, the humble family background in childhood and the nurture in academic environment made Canon Zimmern's life path after the call to the bar a quite different one, i.e. becoming a social activist, a clergyman and an educator, whose sinicized characteristics were well remembered. After an introduction about his life, this article puts an eye on the records and reports about Canon Zimmern, so as to implore how his self-value was realized in terms of 1) a member of Diocesan Boys' School, 2) a law practitioner, 3) a social activist and 4) an educator, and how these identities constructed his image of a prominent personage. Then, the attention of this article is drawn to 1) the family background and political orientation, and 2) education experience and social concept of Canon Zimmern, so as to study how the value realization was influenced by his identity formation.
In the recent years, academic interest in Eurasian community in Hong Kong, is usually focused on the identity formation and value realization of these Eurasians. Born in a local Eurasia n family, Canon George Samuel Zimmern (1904-1979) can be regarded as a unique case, who was deeply influenced by Chinese and Western cultures. The routine career planning of the Eurasians of his age was usually becoming a professional, merchant or civil servant with a Western lifestyle. However, the humble family background in childhood and the nurture in academic environment made Canon Zimmern's life path after the call to the bar a quite different one, i.e. becoming a social activist, a clergyman and an educator, whose sinicized characteristics were well remembered. After an introduction about his life, this article puts an eye on the records and reports about Canon Zimmern, so as to implore how his self-value was realized in terms of 1) a member of Diocesan Boys' School, 2) a law practitioner, 3) a social activist and 4) an educator, and how these identities constructed his image of a prominent personage. Then, the attention of this article is drawn to 1) the family background and political orientation, and 2) education experience and social concept of Canon Zimmern, so as to study how the value realization was influenced by his identity formation.
起訖頁 71-121
關鍵詞 施玉麒混血兒香港族群身分認同拔萃書室Canon George Zimmern (1904-1979)EurasianCommunities in Hong KongIdentity FormationDiocesan Boys' School
刊名 思與言  
期數 201706 (55:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 空留古廟號侯王:論九龍城宋季古蹟的記憶及侯王廟記憶的歷史化
該期刊-下一篇 1960年代以來香港初中中國歷史及歷史課本與二戰歷史記憶




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