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Foreign Recapture Records of Four Resident Passerines in Taiwan
作者 林瑞興 (Ruey-Shing Lin)賴佳郎蘇美如
「臺灣鳥類生產力與存活率監測」計畫在臺灣西部海拔分布位於 100~3,000m 的 10 個地點,於 2009~2015 年累計繫放 74 種、6,108 隻次雀形目野鳥。其中黃胸藪眉(Liocichla steerii)、冠羽畫眉(Yuhina brunneiceps)、台灣朱雀(Carpodacus formosanus)及栗背林鴝(Tarsiger johnstoniae)各出現 1 次、計 4 筆原始繫放地點位於再捕捉之繫放站中心點 1km 外的異地回收紀錄。異地回收紀錄占繫放總隻次數的 0.07%,均出現於中、高海拔(海拔>2,100m)。回收地距離首次繫放地點約 1km 者有 3 筆,僅黃胸藪眉 1 筆的距離約 20km,由首次繫放與回收當時情形判斷,該黃胸藪眉正在進行垂直遷徙,且可能是由臺灣中央山脈西側度冬地往東側的繁殖地移動之中。 In the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship program, Taiwan (MAPS Taiwan), 6,108 individuals from 74 passerine species were banded at 10 locations with elevations ranging from 100m to 3,000m from 2009 to 2015 in western Taiwan. Four species, Carpodacus formosanus, Liocichla steerii, Tarsiger johnstoniae, and Yuhina brunneiceps, were foreign recaptures, respectively found once in locations higher than 2,000m above sea level. The ratio of foreign recapture was 0.07%. The distance between the first capture and the first foreign recapture locations was about 1km in three of the records. In another record, L. steerii was first captured in Guanyuan in July, 2007, and then a foreign recapture was found in Rueiyan in April, 2011. The distance between the two locations was about 20km. To our knowledge, this was the first record reported of a resident passerine whose breeding and wintering sites might be located on different sides of the Central Mountain Range.
In the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship program, Taiwan (MAPS Taiwan), 6,108 individuals from 74 passerine species were banded at 10 locations with elevations ranging from 100m to 3,000m from 2009 to 2015 in western Taiwan. Four species, Carpodacus formosanus, Liocichla steerii, Tarsiger johnstoniae, and Yuhina brunneiceps, were foreign recaptures, respectively found once in locations higher than 2,000m above sea level. The ratio of foreign recapture was 0.07%. The distance between the first capture and the first foreign recapture locations was about 1km in three of the records. In another record, L. steerii was first captured in Guanyuan in July, 2007, and then a foreign recapture was found in Rueiyan in April, 2011. The distance between the two locations was about 20km. To our knowledge, this was the first record reported of a resident passerine whose breeding and wintering sites might be located on different sides of the Central Mountain Range.
起訖頁 19-25
關鍵詞 繫放異地回收黃胸藪眉垂直遷徙臺灣bandingforeign recaptureLiocichla steeriialtitudinal migrationTaiwan
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201701 (19:1期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 秦椒(Zanthoxylumarmatum DC.)——在台灣消失與馬祖新記錄的花椒屬植物
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華監測我國冬季鳥類相之2016年成果




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