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Mine Pilfering, Administrative Division, and Local Public Opinion in Huizhou Prefecture during the Ming Dynasty
作者 唐立宗
明代中後期大量的礦徒移入惠州山區,帶來一連串的治安問題,也形成以「礦盜」與「山寇」為主以及地方「聚險立巢」的獨特社會。在首領伍端等人的領導下,礦徒勢力逐漸擴大,足以與官方相抗衡。廣東地區山寇、倭亂蔓延不絕,官兵力有未逮,只好採取招撫做法,承認山區礦徒首領的社會地位,轉而用以解決沿海的倭亂問題,再順勢除去反叛勢力。不過,官方諸多措施反倒加劇地方社會的動盪與不安,士大夫們的憂患與日俱增,促發當地士民的地方意識,遂展開請願行動。本文將藉由《定氛外史》的成書背景與主要刻劃內容,說明嘉隆年間惠州山區礦盜事件的始末、影響,分析時人對變亂的處理議論,以及討論這一連串事變如何激發惠州全境士民的地方意識與因應行動。 Beginning in the middle of the Ming dynasty, large numbers of miners moved into the mountainous area of Huizhou (in Guangdong province), cause a range of security problems. Local officials failed to curb the nefarious activities of the miners and ultimately adopted a policy of non-intervention and compromise, going so far as to invite the miners to help quell coastal pirate attacks. Official acceptance of miners enraged the rest of the population and inspired some to protest with the publication of Ding fen wai shi (The Unofficial History of Correcting Evil Spirits). This study uses Ding fen wai shi as a lens to understanding the formation of local public opinion.
Beginning in the middle of the Ming dynasty, large numbers of miners moved into the mountainous area of Huizhou (in Guangdong province), cause a range of security problems. Local officials failed to curb the nefarious activities of the miners and ultimately adopted a policy of non-intervention and compromise, going so far as to invite the miners to help quell coastal pirate attacks. Official acceptance of miners enraged the rest of the population and inspired some to protest with the publication of Ding fen wai shi (The Unofficial History of Correcting Evil Spirits). This study uses Ding fen wai shi as a lens to understanding the formation of local public opinion.
起訖頁 137-186
關鍵詞 廣東礦盜伍端葉春及葉萼楊起元地域社會地方認同GuangdongminerWu DuanYe ChunjiYe EYang Qiyuanlocal societylocal consciousnessDing fen wai shi
刊名 明代研究  
期數 200912 (13期)
出版單位 中國明代研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 明朝十六世紀兩淮鹽政的制度創新:以《鹽法條例》為中心
該期刊-下一篇 民國六十年間的明史研究:以政治、社會、經濟史研究為主(中)




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