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“Celebrating Squatting”and “Building an Orchid House”:Perspectives on Public Space and Publicness from Two Contemporary Architectural Discourses of Taiwanese Squatting
作者 邱啟新
當代都市違建論述呈現多元觀點,研究發現論述對治理違建之政策有潛在影響。本文探討近年台灣兩大以違建為主題之建築論述—一為2011年舉行於台北市中正區一處都市更新單元之「朗讀違章」空間裝置展與成果專書,二為2014年交通大學建築研究所國際競賽得獎作品「蘭花屋」計畫。本文探討建築專業者與學者之違建論述,檢視其治理層面意義。研究方法為文本分析,資料包含專書、報告書、演講稿、媒體報導,以質性研究之開放式編碼分析資料,萃取出「公共空間觀點」與「公共性詮釋」兩大面向探討其治理意涵,透過Henri Lefebvre 與Michel de Certeau之理論架構比較兩個案差異。分析發現朗讀違章認同違建佔領公共空間之行為,指出其挑戰現代主義建築與資本主義都市之公共性意涵,將違建視為一種「空間戰術」,創造「再現之空間」。蘭花屋則主張以能源屋之「空間再現」更新屋頂違建以收復公共空間,並提出居住權、環境永續性、都市美學之公共性意涵,屬於「空間戰略」之提案。結論指出兩種論述因陷入二元式思考所產生之盲點與侷限性,建議違建論述應將居民行為、都市政策與專業建築實踐整合討論,重視個案環境脈絡,方能提出較可行之設計與治理建議。 Contemporary discourse on squatting present various perspectives. Studies suggest influences from discourse on urban governance on squatting. The paper investigates two sets of architectural discourses on squatting. The first case is 'Celebrating Squatting', an art show and a published book honoring the aesthetics of informality symbolized by squatting. The second is 'Orchid House', an award-winning solar house proposal prepared for an international urban design competition. Research methods include content analysis of the book, the report, speech transcripts, and newspaper articles, as well as qualitative data analysis. The analysis draws upon Henri Lefebvre’s and Michel de Certeau’s theories to analyze the data, identifying public space and publicness as two dimensions emphasized by each discourse. “Celebrating squatting” sees squatting as contesting public space and resisting Modernist architecture and Capitalist city. Squatting represents spatial tactics producing representational space. Orchid House aims to reclaim public space from squatters by rebuilding a solar house as a representation of space. Housing rights, sustainability, and urban aesthetics are its three elements of publicness. Each discourse shows a dualist perspective on squatting, thus failing to benefit governance policies significantly. Conclusions suggest a holistic discourse that considers squatters’ behavior, urban policy, and architectural practice as each case’s context. In doing so, a discourse is more likely toinform urban policy and professional practice.
Contemporary discourse on squatting present various perspectives. Studies suggest influences from discourse on urban governance on squatting. The paper investigates two sets of architectural discourses on squatting. The first case is 'Celebrating Squatting', an art show and a published book honoring the aesthetics of informality symbolized by squatting. The second is 'Orchid House', an award-winning solar house proposal prepared for an international urban design competition. Research methods include content analysis of the book, the report, speech transcripts, and newspaper articles, as well as qualitative data analysis. The analysis draws upon Henri Lefebvre’s and Michel de Certeau’s theories to analyze the data, identifying public space and publicness as two dimensions emphasized by each discourse. “Celebrating squatting” sees squatting as contesting public space and resisting Modernist architecture and Capitalist city. Squatting represents spatial tactics producing representational space. Orchid House aims to reclaim public space from squatters by rebuilding a solar house as a representation of space. Housing rights, sustainability, and urban aesthetics are its three elements of publicness. Each discourse shows a dualist perspective on squatting, thus failing to benefit governance policies significantly. Conclusions suggest a holistic discourse that considers squatters’ behavior, urban policy, and architectural practice as each case’s context. In doing so, a discourse is more likely toinform urban policy and professional practice.
起訖頁 21-39
關鍵詞 違建建築論述公共空間公共性squattingarchitectural discoursepublic spacepublicness
刊名 建築與規劃學報  
期數 201506 (16:1期)
出版單位 中華大學建築與都市計畫學系
該期刊-上一篇 都市中心地區家長對戶外休閒場所供給兒童活動滿意度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 風水專家主觀吉凶判斷與客觀地形特徵關聯性之實證研究




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