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The Image-Number Concept in The Truth of the Kinship of the Three According to the Book of I-Ching by Peng Xiao
作者 王詩評
彭曉《周易參同契分章通真義》乃歷來研究《周易參同契》的著述中,甚具重要性之注本。此書承繼漢代魏伯陽撰作《周易參同契》試圖以易道連結天道與丹道之旨歸,藉由大量之易學符號與象數理論,表述鼎爐、藥物和火候。本文茲就兩部分進行開展:首先,魏伯陽援用漢代象數易學於丹藥煉養之敘述,其中又以牝牡四卦、月體納甲說、十二消息卦影響最鉅,彭曉亦在魏氏之基礎上進行更詳細之闡發,此即彭曉上繼魏伯陽於丹經中的象數思想。再者,彭曉以為還丹之要在「鉛」、「火」,他提出大藥之基乃天地真一混沌之氣,修煉元氣達到純陽之身;其並借引易學象數,縮短煉養還丹的火候時程,使即身成仙更具可能性。《周易參同契分章通真義》文後所附之〈明鏡圖〉,以易圖囊括修丹之道,曉諭後人鼎爐、藥物、火候之燒煉模式,開歷來《周易參同契》注疏之先河。 Among all the researches related to the Kinship of the Three in our history, The Truth of the Kinship of the Three According to the Book of I-Ching (The Truth for short) by Peng Xiao is an extremely important annotation version. Based on The Kinship of the Three According to the Book of I-Ching by Wei Bo-yang in Han Dynasty, The Truth aimed to integrate the natural laws with the alchemy by the philosophies of I-Ching, and explained the pot, medicine and heating according to the massive symbols and the image-number system of I-Ching. The study consists of two parts. First, Wei Bo-yang cited the discussions on alchemy practicing based on the image-number system of I-Ching in Han Dynasty, among which the Four Symbols of Yin and Yang, the Correspondence between the Moon Movement and the Sexagenary Cycle, and the Twelve Symbols Derived from Qian and Kun were the most influential. Peng Xiao further developed Wei’s research and inherited Wei’s image-number theory recorded in the Book of Alchemy. Besides, Peng believed that the key of cinnabar restoration was the lead and heat. He indicated that the foundation of alchemy was the pure Qi of the beginning of the world, and one could acquire the physique of pure Yang by practicing that Qi. He also cited the image-number system of I-Ching to shorten the heating duration of cinnabar restoration, which made it possible to become immortal. The Mirror Map attached in The Truth illustrated the alchemy practicing within the map of I-Ching, showing the alchemy methods by using pot, medicine and heating, which paved a new way among the annotation versions of Kinship of the Three in the history.
Among all the researches related to the Kinship of the Three in our history, The Truth of the Kinship of the Three According to the Book of I-Ching (The Truth for short) by Peng Xiao is an extremely important annotation version. Based on The Kinship of the Three According to the Book of I-Ching by Wei Bo-yang in Han Dynasty, The Truth aimed to integrate the natural laws with the alchemy by the philosophies of I-Ching, and explained the pot, medicine and heating according to the massive symbols and the image-number system of I-Ching. The study consists of two parts. First, Wei Bo-yang cited the discussions on alchemy practicing based on the image-number system of I-Ching in Han Dynasty, among which the Four Symbols of Yin and Yang, the Correspondence between the Moon Movement and the Sexagenary Cycle, and the Twelve Symbols Derived from Qian and Kun were the most influential. Peng Xiao further developed Wei’s research and inherited Wei’s image-number theory recorded in the Book of Alchemy. Besides, Peng believed that the key of cinnabar restoration was the lead and heat. He indicated that the foundation of alchemy was the pure Qi of the beginning of the world, and one could acquire the physique of pure Yang by practicing that Qi. He also cited the image-number system of I-Ching to shorten the heating duration of cinnabar restoration, which made it possible to become immortal. The Mirror Map attached in The Truth illustrated the alchemy practicing within the map of I-Ching, showing the alchemy methods by using pot, medicine and heating, which paved a new way among the annotation versions of Kinship of the Three in the history.
起訖頁 111-140
關鍵詞 彭曉周易參同契分章通真義魏伯陽周易參同契象數Peng XiaoThe truth of the kinship of the three according to the book of I-ChingWei Bo-yangThe kinship of the three according to the book of I-Chingthe image-number system of I-Ching
刊名 臺北大學中文學報  
期數 201703 (21期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 何休五諫範型之創立──兼論五諫之形成與發展
該期刊-下一篇 寫出-活出文學──台灣當代原住民漢語文學「美學」的兩個面向




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