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Hé xiū "wǔ jiàn" and its paradigm establishment--also on the formation and development of "wǔ jiàn"
作者 陳明恩
"wǔ jiàn", first seen in the "shuō yuàn" However, "shuō yuàn" described regardless of the theoretical basis, theoretical statements or conceptual explanations,which are slightly brief. The "bái hǔ tōng" began to use the "wǔ cháng" to explain the "wǔ jiàn", and according to the nature of "wǔ cháng" to describe "wǔ jiàn".The theoretical foundation of the "wǔ jiàn" and the definition of the concept are becoming more complete. Until Hé xiū, he used the "history" to explain the meaning of "wǔ jiàn" ; "jiàn" differences and the characteristics of various admonitions just have a more specific exposition. Look at the three theories, although the use of words were slightly different, but sured the meaning and value of remonstrance. The "Fěng Jiàn" is not only shared by the three, but also be choosed by the three on the remonstrance. It is obvious that the remonstration mode centered on "Fěng",and it is the mainstream of the admonishments in the Han Dynasty.
起訖頁 81-110
關鍵詞 五諫說苑白虎通何休Wǔ jiànShuō yuanBái hǔ tōngHé xiū
刊名 臺北大學中文學報  
期數 201703 (21期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 新文學道路的宣示與史的論斷:胡適及其〈五十年來中國之文學〉
該期刊-下一篇 彭曉《周易參同契分章通真義》的象數思想




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