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On Cultural Philology and Its Methodology: A Case Study of Cultural Siku Studies
作者 陳筱琪
「淨」來自「參軍」促音的說法,經過仔細推敲漢語音韻史與相關的方言現象後,這個說法是可信的。「參軍」合音詞在切韻時代讀*tsÁjuen,宋金時代因漢語韻母大量簡化,臨安都城的底層吳語鼻音韻尾大規模合併為-N,以及吳方言合口細音開口化等現象,兩宋時代「參軍」合音詞在臨安的讀音應為*tsÁjeN。而「淨」字切韻時代的讀音為*dzjeN,兩宋時期因中州官話濁音清化,「淨」字在當時臨安宋雜劇演出時的讀音應是*tsÁjeN或*tsjeN,這兩種讀音形式皆與「參軍」合音詞*tsÁjeN的語音形式十分相近。 Due to the absence of theoretical consciousness and a theoretical system, Siku studies 四庫學 have remained in a relatively scattered condition since first being proposed in the 1980s. Recognizing this problem, this article follows Zhou Jiming's 周積明 line of thinking on cultural Siku studies 四庫文化學 in order to carry out a theoretical reflection upon it under the scope of cultural philology 文獻文化學. Following the first part of the article, which introduces the issue, the second part discusses the possibility of a cultural philology in which the fundamental assumption is the conditionality of the cultural field to literature, which involves bi-directional interpretative access. The methodological neglect of the interpretive function of literary codes and the practical application of culturological theories is also discussed. Taking cultural Siku studies as an example, the third part of the article reflects on its status and trendlines, and analyzes its transverse accumulation of cultural history from the two different perspectives of academic history and the history of ideas. This is followed by a discussion of the gradual turn towards culturology, and the need for even further advance.
Due to the absence of theoretical consciousness and a theoretical system, Siku studies 四庫學 have remained in a relatively scattered condition since first being proposed in the 1980s. Recognizing this problem, this article follows Zhou Jiming's 周積明 line of thinking on cultural Siku studies 四庫文化學 in order to carry out a theoretical reflection upon it under the scope of cultural philology 文獻文化學. Following the first part of the article, which introduces the issue, the second part discusses the possibility of a cultural philology in which the fundamental assumption is the conditionality of the cultural field to literature, which involves bi-directional interpretative access. The methodological neglect of the interpretive function of literary codes and the practical application of culturological theories is also discussed. Taking cultural Siku studies as an example, the third part of the article reflects on its status and trendlines, and analyzes its transverse accumulation of cultural history from the two different perspectives of academic history and the history of ideas. This is followed by a discussion of the gradual turn towards culturology, and the need for even further advance.
起訖頁 157-179
關鍵詞 淨腳合音詞吳語官話方言漢語史cultural philology 文獻文化學cultural Siku studies 四庫文化學Siku studies 四庫學Siku quanshu 四庫全書reflection upon theory
刊名 清華中文學報  
期數 201806 (19期)
出版單位 國立清華大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 抒情的結構:試析長調領字的抒情類型與美感表現
該期刊-下一篇 文獻文化學及其方法學省思——以四庫文化學為例




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