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Globalization and Laborers' Dilemma: Analyzing Strike and Lockout Data for the 1969-2015 Period
作者 張文揚
本研究紀要旨在探討全球化時代下,勞工的罷工與停工現象,究竟是變得更為頻繁?抑或是有所減少?鑒於過去的實證研究中研究者大多從區域或特定國家著手,而較少將焦點放在全球性的數據上,本文擬以國際勞工組織(International Labour Organization, ILO)1969年至2015年間全世界共98個國家的罷停工數據,分析經貿以及其他面向受全球化影響而日趨緊密的情況下,勞工的罷停工頻率的變化情形。初步的研究結果顯示:(1)在全球貿易與對外直接投資等多重因素更為緊密的情況下,勞工罷停工的次數為之減少;(2)這個結果經過多重插補以後,也呈現一致的結果。這對我們理解勞工以罷停工方式爭取自身權益上,具有初步的觀察與政策意涵。 This research note examines whether, during the globalization era, laborers increase the use of strikes and lockouts for specific purposes. Previous empirical studies tend to pay more attention to specific regions or countries, while few of them focus on global data. To know whether strikes and lockouts increase or decrease in the face of economic and other consequences of globalization, this note applies data from the International Labour Organization (ILO) covering the 1969-2015 period of 98 countries. Initial findings confirm that, first, the likelihood of strikes and lockouts is negatively correlated with trade, foreign direct investment, and globalization-related indicators, respectively. Second, such findings are consistent when we apply the multiple imputation technique. This observation helps us understand whether laborers can improve their working conditions by strikes and lockouts and provides policy implications.
This research note examines whether, during the globalization era, laborers increase the use of strikes and lockouts for specific purposes. Previous empirical studies tend to pay more attention to specific regions or countries, while few of them focus on global data. To know whether strikes and lockouts increase or decrease in the face of economic and other consequences of globalization, this note applies data from the International Labour Organization (ILO) covering the 1969-2015 period of 98 countries. Initial findings confirm that, first, the likelihood of strikes and lockouts is negatively correlated with trade, foreign direct investment, and globalization-related indicators, respectively. Second, such findings are consistent when we apply the multiple imputation technique. This observation helps us understand whether laborers can improve their working conditions by strikes and lockouts and provides policy implications.
起訖頁 91-121
關鍵詞 罷工停工全球化貿易對外直接投資strikeslockoutsglobalizationtradeforeign direct investment
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201712 (34期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從建制民族誌探討大專校院性平處理機制的客體化歷程
該期刊-下一篇 戰爭與台灣的高等教育,1945-1990




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