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Objectification of the Gender Equity Education Act in Higher Education: An Institutional Ethnographic Exploration
作者 廖珮如
在2004年通過實施《性別平等教育法》之前,校園內的性騷擾、性侵害事件多礙於權力關係未能揭露或獲得適當的處理,而該法通過實施後,各級學校遇到性侵害、性騷擾等相關事件便有一套標準化的工作流程。本文採用建制民族誌觀點來探討《性平法》的在地建制過程,透過參與觀察及訪談六名大專校院性平業務專職承辦人,研究者描繪出不同文本如何協調出性平業務承辦人的建制能動者位置。從性平業務承辦人的立足點出發探究他們建立的工作知識,勾勒出協調承辦人日常工作業務的「高階文本」、「調查案件文本」、「行政文本」、以及「非正式文本」。本文透過上述文本描繪出性平業務承辦人穿梭於性平建制及在地行政體系之間,發展出個別工作知識的可能性與其受限之處。 Enforcement of the Gender Equity Education Act has enabled schools at all levels to properly and legally process cases of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or bullying on campus. This Act standardizes and generalizes the procedure for handling gender-based violence at all school levels. The researcher incorporates Institutional Ethnography as a method of inquiry, a starting point to form a problematic, and an analytic tool to map out the process of objectification of frontline workers. Starting from frontline workers' standpoint, this article presents the way in which different “texts” coordinate frontline workers' everyday work and their relations with other administrative staff. Identifying four types of texts in the local setting, the researcher demonstrates how frontline workers establish work knowledge based on the Act as well as the administrative system, as well as the workers' potential for utilizing work knowledge and its limits.
Enforcement of the Gender Equity Education Act has enabled schools at all levels to properly and legally process cases of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or bullying on campus. This Act standardizes and generalizes the procedure for handling gender-based violence at all school levels. The researcher incorporates Institutional Ethnography as a method of inquiry, a starting point to form a problematic, and an analytic tool to map out the process of objectification of frontline workers. Starting from frontline workers' standpoint, this article presents the way in which different “texts” coordinate frontline workers' everyday work and their relations with other administrative staff. Identifying four types of texts in the local setting, the researcher demonstrates how frontline workers establish work knowledge based on the Act as well as the administrative system, as well as the workers' potential for utilizing work knowledge and its limits.
起訖頁 46-89
關鍵詞 建制民族誌性平法性平業務承辦人客體化工作知識Institutional EthnographyGender Equity Education Actfrontline workersobjectificationwork knowledge
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201712 (34期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 男性青少年群體同嗨(high)的打鬧遊戲:「阿魯巴」
該期刊-下一篇 全球化下的勞工困局?以1969年至2015年的罷停工資料分析




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