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Naming Taboos in the Manchu Language: Case Studies from the Qianlong Reign
作者 盧正恒
相較於其他使用漢文為主體的中國諸王朝,清帝國以滿文(清文)為國語。大量的滿文檔案、文本成為研究清史的核心資料。為了確實利用滿文資料,深入了解滿文的書寫規範刻不容緩,其中一個重要問題是:滿文書寫是否也有「避諱」?本文將透過滿文檔案、文本論證滿文中亦存在著相當規範的避諱。又,既然清代存在著漢文與滿文的二種「避諱」系統,身為普世帝國的清帝國是如何將「滿文避諱」實際運用在多語言、多民族的臣民之下?本文將以乾隆朝的個案為例,說明「滿文避諱」的實際運用中,針對「滿洲旗人」較為嚴格,但對「漢軍旗人」和漢人相對無硬性規定。透過這些例子,本文嘗試在帝國架構下,解釋清帝國如何透過不同語言的「避諱」保持臣下多元性。 Manchu was the official language of China during the Qing Dynasty. Manchu language archives and texts are therefore important sources for Qing history. In order to use these sources precisely, it is necessary to broaden our understanding of Manchu texts. One question is whether naming taboos existed in Manchu writing. Focusing on texts and official records, this paper argues that those writing in Machu observed naming taboos. A second question is, since naming taboos existed in Manchu and in Chinese, how did the Qing Empire, as a universal empire, implement this rule throughout its multilingual and multi-ethnic empire? Looking at cases from the Qianlong 乾隆 reign, I demonstrate how naming taboos were differently applied to different ethnicities and show that Manchu naming taboos were more rigid for Manchu bannermen than for Hanjun bannermen or Han Chinese. In sum, this article not only details the rules of naming taboos by providing a considerable number of cases, but also explores how the Qing Empire as a universal empire maintained diversity within its empire through naming taboos in Manchu and other language.
Manchu was the official language of China during the Qing Dynasty. Manchu language archives and texts are therefore important sources for Qing history. In order to use these sources precisely, it is necessary to broaden our understanding of Manchu texts. One question is whether naming taboos existed in Manchu writing. Focusing on texts and official records, this paper argues that those writing in Machu observed naming taboos. A second question is, since naming taboos existed in Manchu and in Chinese, how did the Qing Empire, as a universal empire, implement this rule throughout its multilingual and multi-ethnic empire? Looking at cases from the Qianlong 乾隆 reign, I demonstrate how naming taboos were differently applied to different ethnicities and show that Manchu naming taboos were more rigid for Manchu bannermen than for Hanjun bannermen or Han Chinese. In sum, this article not only details the rules of naming taboos by providing a considerable number of cases, but also explores how the Qing Empire as a universal empire maintained diversity within its empire through naming taboos in Manchu and other language.
起訖頁 489-524
關鍵詞 避諱滿文清史八旗naming taboosManchu languageQing historyEight Banners System
刊名 清華學報  
期數 201809 (48:3期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 論顏山農的「七日閉關法」:兼論明代中後期的儒學宗教化傾向
該期刊-下一篇 論清代女詞人的豔情詠物詞




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