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On Yan Shannong's Method of “Shutting Onself in for Seven Days” and the Religious Tendency in Mid to Late Ming Confucianism
作者 韓曉華
顏山農(1504-1596)「化儒學為宗教」的思想傾向之理論根據在於他的「七日閉關法」。「七日閉關法」作為宋明理學中「靜坐」工夫的獨特形態,不單塑造了顏山農的儒學思想,更在他使用「七日閉關法」為工夫教法中,把其所得的「天機先啟,孔昭煥發」之神秘體驗作為「執體以應用」的為學取向。如此,顏山農在「七日閉關法」中的悟道與證道體驗遂成就了他具有「化儒學為宗教」思想傾向的獨特定位。從宋明理學「靜坐」工夫傳統看,顏山農的「七日閉關法」是「靜坐」工夫有取於二氏的過渡型態;從「三教合一」思想的發展看,顏山農雖有取於二氏的「宗教形式」卻有別於後來林兆恩(1517-1598)的三一教。 Yan Shannong's 顏山農 religious conception of Confucianism was based on his method of “shutting oneself in for seven days” (qiri biguan fa 七日閉關法). This method not only shaped Yan's view of Confucianism, but it also informed his teaching and his description of mystical experience as zhiti yi yingyong 執體以應用. Yan's theory of enlightenment and his personal preaching experience endowed him with a unique position in the Taizhou 泰 州 school. From the perspective of NeoConfucianism's meditative practice and syncretic development, it is apparent that Yan's method of “shutting oneself in for seven days” had a special meaning.
Yan Shannong's 顏山農 religious conception of Confucianism was based on his method of “shutting oneself in for seven days” (qiri biguan fa 七日閉關法). This method not only shaped Yan's view of Confucianism, but it also informed his teaching and his description of mystical experience as zhiti yi yingyong 執體以應用. Yan's theory of enlightenment and his personal preaching experience endowed him with a unique position in the Taizhou 泰 州 school. From the perspective of NeoConfucianism's meditative practice and syncretic development, it is apparent that Yan's method of “shutting oneself in for seven days” had a special meaning.
起訖頁 457-487
關鍵詞 顏山農七日閉關法神秘體驗靜坐三教合一Yan Shannong 顏山農shutting oneself in for seven daysmystical experiencemeditationsyncretism
刊名 清華學報  
期數 201809 (48:3期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-下一篇 清代滿文避諱:兼論乾隆朝避諱運用實例




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