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The Runaway from Hell: Mad/Sacred Space in Doris Lessing’s Briefing for a Descent into Hell
作者 鄭如玉
多麗絲‧萊辛的小說《地獄行簡報》描寫超出理性思維的宇宙記憶烙印在主人翁查理斯‧沃特金斯腦中,使他能透過夢中空間——星艦與祭壇/城市——與宇宙神聖空間連結,但這空間卻被精神醫師視為因瘋狂而產生的幻影。若從沃特金斯的角度看來,他那令人不可置信的奇幻旅程可能揭露出他的真實身分:他原本是一位老人星的宇宙使者,因為與宇宙記憶連結而在一般人眼中顯得瘋狂。當沃特金斯的內部心靈空間遭到外部的宇宙空間力量入侵時,內與外的界線在主體與空間的形變中逐漸消失;更重要的是個體經歷了去主體化的過程,主體與空間不再呈現再現與被再現的關係,而是互為生成。本文在第一與第二節中,透過德勒茲與瓜達希針對階序空間、寬平空間、生成與此態的概念所提出的看法,說明沃特金斯與空間所形成的生成關係如何被凸顯出來。不過,小說結尾時沃特金斯一反常態地接受精神病院的電療,試圖透過此治療喚起更多身為宇宙使者的回憶,結果卻忘卻所有關於宇宙使者的記憶,變回一個普通人。萊辛如此刻劃最後的結局用意何在?本文第三部分企圖透過德勒茲與瓜達希所提出的剛性分節線、柔性分節線與逃逸線說法,探討此一不尋常的改變,為小說的結局提供一種新的解讀方式。 Doris Lessing’s Briefing for a Descent into Hell depicts how irrational cosmic memory is imprinted on Charles Watkin’s brain and thereby enables him to connect with sacred cosmic space. The psychiatrists consider that this space is a delusion caused by his madness. However, to see things from Watkin’s viewpoint, the incredible journey of his dreams may reveal his real identity, a galactic messenger from Canopus. He is treated as a mad person because of this link with cosmic memory. When Watkin’s internal space is invaded by cosmic spatial forces from the outside, its boundaries disappear gradually. More importantly, the individual has gone through the process of desubjectivation, entering a becoming relationship with space. In the first and second sections, Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy of striated space, smooth space, becoming and haecceity will help us explore how Watkins and space form a becoming relationship. However, we are shocked by Watkins’ incredible choice at the end of the novel when he receives electrotherapy in order to recall more of his memory as a galactic messenger but ends up forgetting all memories involving his identity as a messenger and becoming “normal” again. Why does Lessing end the story like this? Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of three kinds of lines (rigid lines, supple lines, and lines of flight) will help us investigate this unusual change, providing a new way to interpret this novel.
Doris Lessing’s Briefing for a Descent into Hell depicts how irrational cosmic memory is imprinted on Charles Watkin’s brain and thereby enables him to connect with sacred cosmic space. The psychiatrists consider that this space is a delusion caused by his madness. However, to see things from Watkin’s viewpoint, the incredible journey of his dreams may reveal his real identity, a galactic messenger from Canopus. He is treated as a mad person because of this link with cosmic memory. When Watkin’s internal space is invaded by cosmic spatial forces from the outside, its boundaries disappear gradually. More importantly, the individual has gone through the process of desubjectivation, entering a becoming relationship with space. In the first and second sections, Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy of striated space, smooth space, becoming and haecceity will help us explore how Watkins and space form a becoming relationship. However, we are shocked by Watkins’ incredible choice at the end of the novel when he receives electrotherapy in order to recall more of his memory as a galactic messenger but ends up forgetting all memories involving his identity as a messenger and becoming “normal” again. Why does Lessing end the story like this? Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of three kinds of lines (rigid lines, supple lines, and lines of flight) will help us investigate this unusual change, providing a new way to interpret this novel.
起訖頁 37-69
關鍵詞 多麗斯‧萊辛德勒茲與瓜達希階序空間寬平空間生成此態逃 逸線Doris LessingDeleuze and Guattaristriated spacesmooth spacebecominghaecceitylines of flight
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 201806 (32期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 永恆春歸:十八世紀田園/牧養論述與斯圖亞特王朝循環史觀,1702-1766
該期刊-下一篇 作為中介動力的改編:從生命觀點談改編的創造性演化




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