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Eternal Spring Returns: Eighteenth-Century Pastoral Discourse and Stuart Cyclical Historiography, 1702-1766
作者 許以心
本文聚焦英國詹姆士黨等斯圖亞特王朝追隨者,在安女王繼位至1760年代間,如何以詩與視覺文物表現王朝之流轉、復辟之希望與幻滅之療傷。首論安女王登基後,詹姆士黨將革故鼎新之榮景比擬為牧歌傳統中黃金時代之再臨,利用田園詩對風土的禮讚療癒因奧倫治─拿索王朝而斷裂十四年的斯圖亞特王朝史;次論詹姆士黨人援引基督牧養論述,將流亡在外的詹姆斯‧弗朗西斯與基督教早期先知以及彌賽亞牧人連結,告誡英國臣民需識唯一真王,勿作迷途羔羊,並期許斯圖亞特君主重返故土。三論漢諾威繼承後,詹姆士黨復辟夢碎,於詩作中引進指控與創傷之語言的同時,也將斯圖亞特君主喻為受傷斷裂、倚仗神恩重生之樹,以「自然安慰」與「基督安慰」機制撫慰王朝之斷裂與創傷。本文貢獻在於:(一)綴合書面與器物之文本證據,將物質文化與文本雙軌共置,點出媒材之間的互文性。(二)提出諸筆新文本資料,除可豐富詹姆士黨文學之證據之外,亦串聯跨地域、時空之作家群像,爬梳詹姆士黨文學共通意象之跨媒材傳衍。(三)提出將詹姆士黨文學放置在「牧養神學」與「慰藉文類」視野下關注的新論述,藉以平衡將詹姆士黨文學視為政治文類、宣傳媒介、王朝神話等文類之主流學術視角,揭櫫詹姆士黨文學之內向性與多重的文類歸屬。 This article centers on the recording of dynastic exile, the hope of restoration, and the healing of disillusionment as embodied in Jacobite poems and artifacts from 1702 to 1766. It begins with an analysis of how Jacobite literary and material texts conceptually rejoined the severed Stuart dynastic history by invoking the well-documented pastoral tradition of the Golden Age, and proceeds to illustrate how Christian pastoral discourses helped identify the Old Pretender as an early prophet and a messianic shepherd who led his stray flock under foreign rule back to its true Lord. Finally, this article showcases how the language of trauma and accusation entered into Jacobite poetry, while, simultaneously, natural and Christian consolation exerted their prowess to heal dynastic severance allegorized as a broken tree. This article adds to current literature by placing more emphasis on the intertextual colloquy between Jacobite material and poetic cultures, by unearthing previously uncited textual and material evidence gathered from works by writers across temporal and spatial divides, and by reading Jacobite texts in the context of pastoral theology and Christian consolation to reveal their introspective tendencies and their polyphonic generic potentials. In so doing this article balances the mainstream views on Jacobite literature as political polemics, propagandist vehicles, or dynastic myths.
This article centers on the recording of dynastic exile, the hope of restoration, and the healing of disillusionment as embodied in Jacobite poems and artifacts from 1702 to 1766. It begins with an analysis of how Jacobite literary and material texts conceptually rejoined the severed Stuart dynastic history by invoking the well-documented pastoral tradition of the Golden Age, and proceeds to illustrate how Christian pastoral discourses helped identify the Old Pretender as an early prophet and a messianic shepherd who led his stray flock under foreign rule back to its true Lord. Finally, this article showcases how the language of trauma and accusation entered into Jacobite poetry, while, simultaneously, natural and Christian consolation exerted their prowess to heal dynastic severance allegorized as a broken tree. This article adds to current literature by placing more emphasis on the intertextual colloquy between Jacobite material and poetic cultures, by unearthing previously uncited textual and material evidence gathered from works by writers across temporal and spatial divides, and by reading Jacobite texts in the context of pastoral theology and Christian consolation to reveal their introspective tendencies and their polyphonic generic potentials. In so doing this article balances the mainstream views on Jacobite literature as political polemics, propagandist vehicles, or dynastic myths.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 安女王漢諾威繼承斯圖亞特王朝詹姆士黨自然安慰與基督安慰田園/牧養論述Queen AnneHanoverian Successionthe House of StuartJacobitismNatural and Christian ConsolationPastoral Discourse
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 201806 (32期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-下一篇 來自地獄的逃逸者:萊辛《地獄行簡報》的瘋狂/神聖空間




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