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Interaction via the Concept of Being: Tsêng T’ien-ts’ung, Hung Yao-hsün and Their Ideas of Truth
作者 志野好伸
本論文的研究對象是日治時期留學日本的兩位臺灣哲學家:洪耀勳(1910-2007)與曾天從(1903-1986),特別是兩者的〈存在與真理〉(1938年)和《真理原理論》(1937年)。筆者試圖透過這兩篇著作的比較研究,來揭露出兩者之間的學術交流情況。曾天從在《真理原理論》中給予較高評價的哲學思潮是德國觀念論、新康德學派、現象學、還有日本的京都學派等。這反映出曾天從跟隨著當時日本學術界極為流行的思潮。他的著作與洪耀勳的〈存在與真理〉彼此呼應,並共有不少哲思觀點。例如,他們都將真理分為形式與理念,之後試圖連接真理的這兩個面向。以此為目標,兩者皆批評人類中心主義,並稱揚辯證法。洪耀勳的〈存在與真理〉和其前的論文相比,相當具有抽象思考的維度。從〈存在與真理〉中較為抽象的論述來看,可發現洪耀勳借助曾天從不少論點。《真理原理論》的主要論旨在於連接純粹真理與實存,此觀點不僅引導了洪耀勳撰寫〈存在與真理〉,亦對洪耀勳在往後思考實存的問題上有很大影響。 This paper deals with two Taiwanese philosophers who studied in Japan in the colonial period: Hung Yao-hsün (1903-1986) and Tsêng T’ien-ts’ung (1910-2007). It focuses on Hung’s “Being and Truth” (1938) and Tsêng’s Theory on Principle of Truth(1937), and aims to clarify the academic interaction between the two. Tsêng T’ien-ts’ung’s monograph shows that he was mainly stimulated by German idealism, Neo-Kantianism, Phenomenology and the Kyoto school, which were all very influential in Japanese academic discourse at that time. Comparing Hung’s “Being and Truth” with Tsêng’s Theory on Principle of Truth, it is clear that there are many prominent similarities. For example, both discriminate between formative truth and ideal truth, and try to build a bridge between them. For this purpose, they also criticize human-centrism, while making use of dialectic. In fact, Hung’s “Being and Truth” is more abstract than his previous articles, and therefore, we conclude that “Being and Truth” borrows the wisdom of Tsêng T’ien-ts’ung. As Tsêng’s work emphasizes the connection between pure truth and existence, Hung also restarts his research on existence after “Being and Truth”.
This paper deals with two Taiwanese philosophers who studied in Japan in the colonial period: Hung Yao-hsün (1903-1986) and Tsêng T’ien-ts’ung (1910-2007). It focuses on Hung’s “Being and Truth” (1938) and Tsêng’s Theory on Principle of Truth(1937), and aims to clarify the academic interaction between the two. Tsêng T’ien-ts’ung’s monograph shows that he was mainly stimulated by German idealism, Neo-Kantianism, Phenomenology and the Kyoto school, which were all very influential in Japanese academic discourse at that time. Comparing Hung’s “Being and Truth” with Tsêng’s Theory on Principle of Truth, it is clear that there are many prominent similarities. For example, both discriminate between formative truth and ideal truth, and try to build a bridge between them. For this purpose, they also criticize human-centrism, while making use of dialectic. In fact, Hung’s “Being and Truth” is more abstract than his previous articles, and therefore, we conclude that “Being and Truth” borrows the wisdom of Tsêng T’ien-ts’ung. As Tsêng’s work emphasizes the connection between pure truth and existence, Hung also restarts his research on existence after “Being and Truth”.
起訖頁 25-48
關鍵詞 曾天從洪耀勳《真理原理論》〈存在與真理〉京都學派Tsêng T'ien-ts'ungHung Yao-hsünTheory on Principle of the Truth”Being and Truth"The Kyoto school
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201806 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 洪耀勳與日本的哲學
該期刊-下一篇 海德格哲學在東亞的接受與轉化:從田邊元與洪耀勳談起




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