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Hung Yao-hsün and Japanese Philosophy
作者 藤田正勝
洪耀勳是臺灣哲學研究的重要前驅者之一。他受當時擔任臺北帝國大學哲學講座教授務台理作的影響很大。務台是京都學派創始人西田幾多郎的得意門生。本文將針對以下諸點來進行考察。一、在務台的影響下,洪耀勳究竟形成了何種思想。二、此後臺灣的哲學研究,又有何種發展。三、在這過程中,日本的哲學又扮演何種角色。洪耀勳於其最初論文〈今日的哲學問題〉中注意到「實存」這個概念,並高度評價海德格的哲學。然而,在前文的續篇〈今日的哲學問題(承前)〉裡,因海德格的哲學沒有顧慮到辯證法所不能欠缺的矛盾或否定性,而受到洪耀勳的批判。筆者認為,此批判受到務台理作的黑格爾研究之啟發。洪耀勳在前兩篇文章之後,又撰寫了〈藝術與哲學(特別是和其歷史社會的關係)〉。他在此文試圖推動文學與藝術,並強調此運動必須立足在現實的基礎(「種的基體」)之上。在此過程中,不難看到田邊元的「種的邏輯」之影響。洪耀勳的思想意義在於,並非只是單純地繼承田邊的「種」概念,也就是將它視為單純的理論媒介項,而是將它解釋為「現實的生活基礎」,並試圖建構一個奠基在臺灣歷史及社會的特殊性之上的文化創造論。 Being one of forerunners of Taiwanese philosophy, Hung Yao-hsün was strongly influenced by Mutai Risaku, a disciple of Nishida Kitaro and the first philosophy professor at Taihoku Imperial University. This paper discusses how Hong developed his thoughts from Mutai’s influence, how philosophical research developed in Taiwan, and what was the role of Japanese philosophy in both. In his first essay titled “Philosophical Problems Today”, Hung Yao-hsün praised Heidegger’s philosophy of “existence.” However, Hong later criticized Heidegger’s philosophy, in which contradictory and negativity in dialectics are not considered sufficiently. This criticism shows Hong’s influence from Mutai Risaku. In “Art and Philosophy (and their Relationship to Historical Society)”, Hong emphasizes the importance of a real foundation (species as hypokeimenon) in development of literature and art. This is based on Tanabe’s “logic of species.” The meaning of Hung Yao-hsün’s thought does not lie in his understanding of Tanabe’s notion of species as amere logical mediation, but in the interpretation of the species as a “real life basis” and in the idea of cultural creation based on the historical and social characteristics of Taiwan.
Being one of forerunners of Taiwanese philosophy, Hung Yao-hsün was strongly influenced by Mutai Risaku, a disciple of Nishida Kitaro and the first philosophy professor at Taihoku Imperial University. This paper discusses how Hong developed his thoughts from Mutai’s influence, how philosophical research developed in Taiwan, and what was the role of Japanese philosophy in both. In his first essay titled “Philosophical Problems Today”, Hung Yao-hsün praised Heidegger’s philosophy of “existence.” However, Hong later criticized Heidegger’s philosophy, in which contradictory and negativity in dialectics are not considered sufficiently. This criticism shows Hong’s influence from Mutai Risaku. In “Art and Philosophy (and their Relationship to Historical Society)”, Hong emphasizes the importance of a real foundation (species as hypokeimenon) in development of literature and art. This is based on Tanabe’s “logic of species.” The meaning of Hung Yao-hsün’s thought does not lie in his understanding of Tanabe’s notion of species as amere logical mediation, but in the interpretation of the species as a “real life basis” and in the idea of cultural creation based on the historical and social characteristics of Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-24
關鍵詞 洪耀勳務台理作西田幾多郎臺灣哲學京都學派Hung Yao-hsünMutai RisakuNishida KitaroTaiwanese PhilosophyKyoto School
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201806 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-下一篇 存在搭橋:曾天從與洪耀勳的真理觀




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