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青少年犯罪防治研究期刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Returning to Study and Entering a University of Science and Technology: The Experiences of Vocational School Dropouts
作者 劉雅婷簡美華
高職少女從輟學、復學至持續升學,應視為一個連續、動態的生命歷程。此研究欲瞭解其求學過程中曾經輟學,卻能適時展現其生命韌性、運用個人正向特質或其生命歷程轉捩點,而回到學校且持續升學之歷程。因此,採取生命史研究法,以立意取樣邀請五位科技大學女性進行二次深度訪談,探討高職時期曾輟學之成年女性,其高職階段復學後、持續升學之歷程。此研究發現:高職時期復學之因素呈多元性,體會升學重要性、環境轉換、社會網絡支持或精神靈性,增其轉變契機。復學後壓力源包含課業進度、生涯目標和人際關係。正向學習經驗、人際網絡新機、主動蒐集資訊、勞動服務銷過或精神靈性,為復學後之因應策略。考量主流價值、社會網絡期望、自身興趣和盼回正軌,是持續升學之關鍵。根據研究發現,建議檢視高職復學之壓力源和其資源連結情形,以及個人之因應能力與生命韌性。實務工作上應提供輟學生復學和生涯選擇之輔導,與瞭解因應能力和資源之差異性。針對教師角色功能之發揮、精神靈性和輟學期間生活適應更深入探究。 A life history study was conducted to explore the life experiences of five women who had previously dropped out of vocational-education high school and later returned to school and decided to enroll in universities of science and technology after graduation. Dropouts indicated that they returned to school primarily because they acknowledged the importance of a diploma, because they transferred to another school, because of social support, and because of spirituality. The stressors that dropouts experienced when they re-enrolled included being behind in classes, issues related to career goals, and issues related to interpersonal relationships. The problem-focused coping strategies that they reported included embracing positive learning, peer relationships, gaining useful information, cancelling penalties for dropping out of school by assisting in cleaning the school's public areas, and embracing spirituality. They reported that their pursuit of the academic goal of college was motivated by social values, expectations of social networks, personal interests, and getting back on track. These findings suggest the need to improve educational attainment and promote educational resilience for students who drop out. The study highlights the necessity of building a reserve capacity of resources and assets to foster resilience in these students so that they can return to school and attain success.
A life history study was conducted to explore the life experiences of five women who had previously dropped out of vocational-education high school and later returned to school and decided to enroll in universities of science and technology after graduation. Dropouts indicated that they returned to school primarily because they acknowledged the importance of a diploma, because they transferred to another school, because of social support, and because of spirituality. The stressors that dropouts experienced when they re-enrolled included being behind in classes, issues related to career goals, and issues related to interpersonal relationships. The problem-focused coping strategies that they reported included embracing positive learning, peer relationships, gaining useful information, cancelling penalties for dropping out of school by assisting in cleaning the school's public areas, and embracing spirituality. They reported that their pursuit of the academic goal of college was motivated by social values, expectations of social networks, personal interests, and getting back on track. These findings suggest the need to improve educational attainment and promote educational resilience for students who drop out. The study highlights the necessity of building a reserve capacity of resources and assets to foster resilience in these students so that they can return to school and attain success.
起訖頁 172-233
關鍵詞 因應成年女性高職輟學復學持續升學copingcollege womendrop out of vocational schoolreturning to study, and entering to universities of science and technology
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201712 (9:2期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 校園霸凌事件處置歷程與困境之案例分析




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