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青少年犯罪防治研究期刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Bullying incidents Study Case Process and Predicament of treatment
作者 李英姿
本研究旨在探討個案學校在預防學生偏差行為演變為霸凌事件之防制,以及演變為霸凌事件的處置歷程及遭遇的困境。本研究個案在霸凌事件發生前即有學生暴力事件及親師衝突的跡象,個案學校在霸凌事件爆發前之學生偏差行為防制策略包含:訓輔查詢霸凌法規並啟動輔導機制協同防制霸凌發生,學校行政教訓輔安排觀課及任課教師上課做記錄,尋求縣府校安通報單位、少年隊及警察局等相關單位協助。學校雖積極預防卻仍無法避免演變為霸凌事件,當霸凌事件發生的處置歷程為:召開防制校園霸凌因應小組會議確認為霸凌事件,對被霸凌者進行發展性輔導,對旁觀者之發展性輔導,對霸凌行為人之發展性輔導、介入性輔導與處遇性輔導、進行親子教育課程、持續追蹤輔導等,並請校園霸凌事件之縣府業務負責人、警政單位、檢察機關、醫療協助處理等。在霸凌事件處置遭遇的困境為:霸凌行為人於輔導期間再次發生霸凌行為,霸凌者家長質疑學校未積極處理霸凌事件要訴諸媒體,霸凌者家長對導師班級經營及學校作法不滿,投訴縣府、代表會及議員等困境。個案學校持續進行相關輔導及處理隨之而來的危機,最終由少年法庭接手處理霸凌者之偏差行為,學校於新學年度重新編班調整霸凌者之班級,霸凌事件困境才逐漸獲得改善。 This study was designed to investigate the plight of schools in the Prevention and Treatment of bullying may encounter. Research indicates that bullying incident that is before there are signs of student violence and conflict parents and teachers, the school started counseling mechanism and seek police assistance unit, but still can not avoid bullying incidents. When bullying occurs, the school held a meeting in accordance with the relevant provisions of bullying, seek counseling and intervention to assist the police to intervene, but still can not improve immediately bullying behavior. In addition to school treatable deviant behavior bullying people one after another, but also parents who faced bullying, classroom management and school mentor processing blame, questioning deputies and concerns, and are resorting to bully bully parents and media pressure and other difficulties.
This study was designed to investigate the plight of schools in the Prevention and Treatment of bullying may encounter. Research indicates that bullying incident that is before there are signs of student violence and conflict parents and teachers, the school started counseling mechanism and seek police assistance unit, but still can not avoid bullying incidents. When bullying occurs, the school held a meeting in accordance with the relevant provisions of bullying, seek counseling and intervention to assist the police to intervene, but still can not improve immediately bullying behavior. In addition to school treatable deviant behavior bullying people one after another, but also parents who faced bullying, classroom management and school mentor processing blame, questioning deputies and concerns, and are resorting to bully bully parents and media pressure and other difficulties.
起訖頁 118-171
關鍵詞 校園霸凌霸凌行為校園霸凌防制school bullyingbullying behaviorsschool bullying prevention
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201712 (9:2期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 家庭、機會與青少年偏差行為
該期刊-下一篇 科技大學女性於高職時期終止輟學、繼續升學之歷程探究




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