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Privacy No More? – Body and Information As Duality of Privacy
作者 劉育成
本文主要探討科技(technology)與隱私(privacy)之間的關係。其中較為主要的觀點是,科學與技術發展在人們對於隱私概念的認知與實作上,構成不同程度之變化。本研究將從技術哲學觀點出發,輔以俗民方法學對於社會成員在日常生活中之實作的探討,並以行動數位設備或所謂「穿戴式科技(wearable technologies)」為例,提出對科技與隱私之關係在理論上不同的觀察。本研究在過去已建立之隱私研究的基礎上,發展「隱私實作(doing privacy)」概念,並期待可以適切地理解隱私概念內涵在電子媒介與網際網路時代的變化。本研究嘗試探究使用者的「隱私實作」是如何透過新技術的使用來完成,以及該實作對使用者成員而言具有的意涵。本研究的結論有二:第一,從理論觀點來看「隱私不再」的現象時指出,人們的隱私實作並不一定在嘗試維護或保有傳統上的隱私觀點,而是透過實作來建構、形塑新的隱私觀,此一新的隱私觀也透過新技術的開發與使用,反過來與使用者共同建構這個新的隱私概念。第二,從實作的觀點,隱私或許不再具有價值中立性,而是「訊息/身體」這組區別運作出來的突現物(emergent)。相較於過去將隱私視為一種「權利」,新型態的科技所形塑出來的隱私概念毋寧是一種反身性運作的暫時性成就(ongoing accomplishment),也更具有與科技共構、共生的特性。本研究也主張,此一特性在嘗試理解現代科技與隱私概念之構成的關聯性上,將扮演重要角色。 The study mainly concerns the relationship between technology and privacy. It focuses on the idea that the development of science and technology to a great extent comes from people's changing recognition of and practices of privacy. Inspired by the philosophy of technology and then through the observation of layperson's daily practices from ethnomethodological perspective, the study examines how wearable devices with self-tracking technology “re-shape” people's understanding of privacy with an emphasis on a transformation from “information as body's environment” to “information as body's environment”. The discussion of the transformation leads to at least two concluding remarks. On one hand, “privacy no more” indicates that people's privacy practices with selftracking technology are not necessarily maintaining or solidifying the traditional viewpoint of privacy; instead, they are used to construct a different one. On the other hand, privacy may not be value-free; rather, it emerges from the distinction of information and body. The concept of privacy re-shaped by self-tracking technology becomes reflexively an ongoing accomplishment. The aim of the study is to investigate how people's “doing privacy” is accomplished with the intervention of self-tracking technology, whether voluntarily or not, and to contribute to a further understanding of the relationship between privacy and technology.
The study mainly concerns the relationship between technology and privacy. It focuses on the idea that the development of science and technology to a great extent comes from people's changing recognition of and practices of privacy. Inspired by the philosophy of technology and then through the observation of layperson's daily practices from ethnomethodological perspective, the study examines how wearable devices with self-tracking technology “re-shape” people's understanding of privacy with an emphasis on a transformation from “information as body's environment” to “information as body's environment”. The discussion of the transformation leads to at least two concluding remarks. On one hand, “privacy no more” indicates that people's privacy practices with selftracking technology are not necessarily maintaining or solidifying the traditional viewpoint of privacy; instead, they are used to construct a different one. On the other hand, privacy may not be value-free; rather, it emerges from the distinction of information and body. The concept of privacy re-shaped by self-tracking technology becomes reflexively an ongoing accomplishment. The aim of the study is to investigate how people's “doing privacy” is accomplished with the intervention of self-tracking technology, whether voluntarily or not, and to contribute to a further understanding of the relationship between privacy and technology.
起訖頁 87-123
關鍵詞 隱私實作穿戴式科技自我追蹤技術俗民方法學訊息身體doing privacywearable technologyself-tracking technologyethnomethodologyinformationbody
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201807 (35期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 關於「假新聞」的批判思考:老問題、新挑戰與可能的多重解方
該期刊-下一篇 中國大陸OTT TV的GVC分析:以騰訊視頻與愛奇藝為例




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