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A Critical Thinking on 'Fake News': Old Problems, New Challenges and Possible Solutions
作者 羅世宏
面對「假新聞」此一「古已有之」的老問題,本文首先梳理導致其「於今尤烈」的社會和科技脈絡,繼而探討社群媒體帶來的新挑戰,包括社群媒體的興起與優質新聞業的式微,社群媒體「假新聞」的樣態與影響,最後提出防制「假新聞」的多重解方,包括跨國層次的合作與研究、社群媒體平台自律與承擔社會責任、社群媒體平台的公共問責與管制立法,並且致力於推動數位媒體素養教育、扶植優質新聞業和調查報導的發展、壯大數位公共媒體服務,以及鼓勵並擴大新聞事實查核組織的能量和影響力…等輔助方案,期能根本性地抗擊「假新聞」現象,並達成健全資訊生態系統的目標,或有助於矯治真正導致「假新聞」問題惡化的病因——當前民主政治與(數位)資本主義的結構性缺陷。 The problem of ‘fake news' is not a novel phenomenon. This article first addresses the social and technological context in which ‘fake news' has been increasingly brought into view. It then considers the new challenges posed by the prevalence of social media that have made the problem of ‘fake news' even more complicated. The rise of social media, along with the decline of quality journalism, has led to increased production, dissemination, and consumption of ‘fake news'. To tackle the problem of ‘fake news', a number of possible solutions are proposed in this article, including an effective model of self-regulation and social responsibility for social media, as well as the regulation of social media platforms, and among others.
The problem of ‘fake news' is not a novel phenomenon. This article first addresses the social and technological context in which ‘fake news' has been increasingly brought into view. It then considers the new challenges posed by the prevalence of social media that have made the problem of ‘fake news' even more complicated. The rise of social media, along with the decline of quality journalism, has led to increased production, dissemination, and consumption of ‘fake news'. To tackle the problem of ‘fake news', a number of possible solutions are proposed in this article, including an effective model of self-regulation and social responsibility for social media, as well as the regulation of social media platforms, and among others.
起訖頁 51-85
關鍵詞 社群媒體社群媒體管制後真相假新聞數位資本主義fake newsdigital capitalismpost-truthsocial mediasocial media regulation
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201807 (35期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 數位媒體與社群平台使用者之勞動分析
該期刊-下一篇 隱私不再?──以身體與訊息作為隱私概念雙重性的社會實作理論觀點探究




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