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An Investigation of Hakka Children’s Use of Singing Voice in an Elementary School in the Tungshih Area of Taichung City
作者 劉蕙華莊敏仁
關於語言與兒童唱歌聲音發展之相關研究,近年來逐漸受到重視;適切地使用唱歌聲音是歌唱教學的首要目標。基於國家積極進行客家族群母語文化的推動,並避免非物質文化遺產類的客家語言加速流失,許多針對語音重要單位的:元音聲學、聲調及語調,以及輔音…等相關語音研究實證下,進而促發本研究在孩童唱歌聲音之調查研究背景與動機。本研究旨在調查臺中市東勢區國小一至六年級母語為客家語學童使用唱歌聲音的情形。並探究不同年齡與性別的兒童,其唱歌聲音使用之差異情形。以「兒童唱歌聲音測驗量表」為研究工具,針對臺中市東勢區發展客家語特色學校之一至六年級學童的唱歌聲音使用情形,進行調查。研究發現以年級而言,一至四年級研究樣本兒童的唱歌聲音使用情形與年級的增加,呈現正相關。因五年級平均唱歌聲音類型卻是低於四年級的研究樣本平均唱歌聲音類型,並無呈現持續性的正相關發展。全體研究樣本男童與女童平均唱歌聲音類型均為第六類型,性別並非影響客家語兒童唱歌聲音的重要變項。研究樣本男童約六成八,研究樣本女童約六成七,均尚未能使用適切的唱歌聲音,歌唱音域仍受限於降b的音高。 Appropriately using singing voice is a primary goal in singing instruction. Currently, it has gradually become important to investigate the relationship between language and children’s singing voice development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of singing voice by first-sixth grade Hakka children. Additionally, the differences in use of singing voice, age and gender among the children were examined. The Children Singing Voice Measure Scale was the instrument used in this study. Samples were first-sixth graders enrolled in the Hakka Language specialty school in the Tungshih Area in Taichung City. The findings of this study: there is a positive correlation between children using singing voice and - grades. However, the average singing voice level of fifth graders is lower than that of fourth graders. Therefore, our findings do not reveal a continuous positive correlation between grade and singing voice development. For the total sample, the average singing voice level is category . Gender is not an important variable that influences Hakka children’s use singing voice. Approximately % of boys and % of girls did not appropriately use their singing voice. Their singing vocal range was limited on the pitch of b flat.
Appropriately using singing voice is a primary goal in singing instruction. Currently, it has gradually become important to investigate the relationship between language and children’s singing voice development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of singing voice by first-sixth grade Hakka children. Additionally, the differences in use of singing voice, age and gender among the children were examined. The Children Singing Voice Measure Scale was the instrument used in this study. Samples were first-sixth graders enrolled in the Hakka Language specialty school in the Tungshih Area in Taichung City. The findings of this study: there is a positive correlation between children using singing voice and - grades. However, the average singing voice level of fifth graders is lower than that of fourth graders. Therefore, our findings do not reveal a continuous positive correlation between grade and singing voice development. For the total sample, the average singing voice level is category . Gender is not an important variable that influences Hakka children’s use singing voice. Approximately % of boys and % of girls did not appropriately use their singing voice. Their singing vocal range was limited on the pitch of b flat.
起訖頁 67-86
關鍵詞 兒童唱歌聲音兒童唱歌聲音測驗客家文化國小歌唱教學Children's Singing VoiceChildren's Singing Voice MeasureHakka CultureElementary School Singing Instruction
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201712 (31:2期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 高中音樂教科書性別意識型態之內容分析




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