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Analysis of Gender Ideology in Senior High School Music Textbooks
作者 曾靜雯
本研究旨在檢視高中音樂教科書之性別意識型態,將性別意識型態分為「性別比例」、「性別刻板印象」與「性別關係」三個類目進行討論,針對華興版、育達版及泰宇版之國內高中音樂教科書進行內容分析。主要的研究發現如下:一、高中音樂教科書之性別比例男女失衡,專業女性音樂家及其成就被忽略與低估,尤以課文及歌曲作曲者的部分較為嚴重。二、高中音樂教科書人物之音樂專業類型,以男性作曲家的數量最多,女性人物之音樂專業以歌唱為主,在作曲、指揮與電子樂器等領域的數量,與男性人物相差最為懸殊,有明顯的性別刻板印象。三、高中音樂教科書性別關係在課文段落中,多以男性人物為主體,女性人物常以附屬於男性或陰柔的特質呈現,部分歌曲之歌詞呈現不平等的性別關係。四、整體而言,高中音樂教科書除了性別失衡,亦不見多元化性別的音樂經驗撰述,其性別意識型態之內涵與性別平等教育的理想尚有一段差距。最後本研究根據研究結果,分別針對高中音樂教科書作者、高中音樂教育工作者及音樂教育未來研究提出建議。 This study aims at exploring gender ideology in senior high school music textbooks. Three aspects of gender ideology, which are “sex proportion”, “gender stereotype” and “gender relations”, are thoroughly discussed through analyzing textbooks published by three publishers: Hua-Sing, Yu-Da and Tai-Yu. The findings are as follows: 1. Sex proportion in senior high school music textbooks is highly unbalanced. Professional female musicians and their achievements are neglected and underrated. 2. Male composers are the focus of music textbook writing. Women are almost absent in the realm of composition, conducting and electronic instrument playing, and they always appear as professional singers in textbooks. 3. In terms of gender relations, males are always the focus while females are constantly represented as feminine and subordinate to the former. Such finding can also be found in some of the song lyrics for singing lessons. 4. Overall, the senior high school music textbooks fail to meet the ideal of gender equality in education. Finally, according to the findings of this research, some suggestions are made for senior high school music textbook publishers and music educators for further practices and research.
This study aims at exploring gender ideology in senior high school music textbooks. Three aspects of gender ideology, which are “sex proportion”, “gender stereotype” and “gender relations”, are thoroughly discussed through analyzing textbooks published by three publishers: Hua-Sing, Yu-Da and Tai-Yu. The findings are as follows: 1. Sex proportion in senior high school music textbooks is highly unbalanced. Professional female musicians and their achievements are neglected and underrated. 2. Male composers are the focus of music textbook writing. Women are almost absent in the realm of composition, conducting and electronic instrument playing, and they always appear as professional singers in textbooks. 3. In terms of gender relations, males are always the focus while females are constantly represented as feminine and subordinate to the former. Such finding can also be found in some of the song lyrics for singing lessons. 4. Overall, the senior high school music textbooks fail to meet the ideal of gender equality in education. Finally, according to the findings of this research, some suggestions are made for senior high school music textbook publishers and music educators for further practices and research.
起訖頁 41-66
關鍵詞 音樂教科書性別意識型態性別研究音樂教育Music TextbookGender IdeologyGender StudiesMusic Education
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201712 (31:2期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 試論一種創新的漢字教學課程設計:以井字格取名法替賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)取中文名為例
該期刊-下一篇 臺中市東勢區國小客家語族群學童唱歌聲音之調查研究




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