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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Circumstance of Sugarcane in Taiwan's Kanshi -- It will Expound from Qing Dynasty to Japanese-Occupied Period |
作者 |
胡紹平 |
中文摘要 |
甘蔗對於清領到日治時期的臺灣意義重大,是主要的出口經濟作物,是以甘 蔗在臺灣的歷史地位是極為重要的,臺灣從明鄭開始的糖業,在清領與日治時期 更為發達,雖然人民在日治時期倍受欺壓,但對農民而言,甘蔗也是賴以為生的 作物,蔗田成為了臺灣在清領到日治時期最常見的農地;而此時期亦是臺灣文學 中「漢詩」的成型階段,其中書寫臺灣風土民情頗多;本文從甘蔗與漢詩間尋找 其中的關聯性,統整文學作品中反應的社會風貌,可以發現甘蔗這樣的臺灣經濟 作物主要影響的文人為日治時期的詩人對於社會的關懷,對於清領時期的文人影 響則較少,這樣的影響主要是因為日本殖民時期加強蔗糖業的發展所致,也可以 說是在人民的意識下,受到文學與歷史的影響,臺灣漢詩中的甘蔗書寫從清領到 日治的發展,逐漸能體現社會風氣以及人民生活。 |
英文摘要 |
Sugar cane has great significance position in Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty to the Japanese occupation. It is not only the main export economic crop, but also plays extremely important role in Taiwan history. The sugar industry started in Taiwan from Ming Zheng period, then it became more developed during the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese Imperial Period. Although Taiwanese were heavily oppressed during the Japanese occupation, sugar cane remained a crop on which people depended for living. Thus sugar cane field became the most common agricultural land in Taiwan from the Qing Dynasty to the Japanese occupation. This period time was the shaping stage of Kanshi in Taiwanese literature, and all this literature works included several writing of Taiwanese Local customs as well. This paper probes the relevance between sugar cane and Chinese poetry, and then integrates the social visages which are reflected in literary composition. One the one hand, that exposes the importance of sugar cane in Taiwan as an economic crop and its influences on poets by showing the authors,social care during Japanese occupation. On the other hand, in all poems of Qing Dynasty, sugar cane represented fewer influences the former time. The development of sugar cane writing in Taiwanese Kanshi from Qing Dynasty to Japanese occupation gradually reflects the social morality and people's life. |
起訖頁 |
075-100 |
關鍵詞 |
甘蔗、農村書寫、臺灣古典文學、漢詩、蔗作文學、sugarcane、peasant literature、Taiwan classical literature、Kanshi、literature of sugarcane |
刊名 |
人文社會科學研究 |
期數 |
201809 (12:3期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
以依賴理論分析貿易保護政策及一帶一路倡議造成美、中區域經濟角色之互換 |