英文摘要 |
In this study, we evaluated the adulteration of glucocorticoids, anorexics as well as hypnotic-sedatives in food products that claim to have medicinal effects and/or are assigned to specific category of drugs. The possible addition of drugs in food was also investigated. The TLC method was established to identify the components of each drug category using UV spectra obtained from TLC analysis. LC/MS and GC/MS were used to determine the optimal detection concentration of each drug by mixing the three placebo foods with drugs in 3 categories respectively. This paper shows the capability of the analytical method tested on the simulated food samples. Results showed that the optimal detection concentration of the three drug categories obtained are as follows: the concentration range of 7 ingredients of glucocorticoids is from 1.25 mg/g prednisolone to 2.5 mg/g triamcinolone; 6 ingredients of anorexics is from 1.25 mg/g diethylpropion to 2.5 mg/g phentermine, 12 drugs of the third category is from 0.1 mg/g methaqualone to 3 barbitals (0.4 mg/g). The Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the screening method, the UV spectra and the concentration of each drug offered as references for the qualitative method for the analysis.
本研究針對食品宣稱療效或指定檢驗類別包括類固醇類,減肥藥類及安眠鎮靜劑類等三種類別,檢驗探討可能添加之西藥成分。三種模擬食品內添加各個西藥成分,建立各西藥成分於各模擬食品之薄層層析法、氣相層析質譜及液相層析質譜,探討最適當之檢測濃度,計進行7種類固醇、6種減肥藥及12種安眠鎮靜劑可能添加之西藥成分計25種。本研究探討食品摻加西藥成分檢驗方法可行性,檢體經薄層層析及氣相層析質譜或液相層析質譜,探討最適當之檢測濃度,顯示類固醇類七種成分最適檢測濃度為1.25 mg/g predeisolone至2.5 mg/g triamcinolone;減肥藥類為最適檢測濃度為1.25 mg/g diethylpropion至2.5 mg/g phentemine;安眠鎮靜藥類為0.1 mg/g methaqualone至0 .4 mg/g barbitals (3種)。本報告建立之篩選與圖譜及最適檢測濃度之定性方法可供食品摻加西藥檢驗之參考。 |