英文摘要 |
In this study, growth rate models of the Listeria monocytogenes and Yersinia enterocolitica were compared in cooked chicken meat. The chicken meat was inoculated with the pure culture or mixed cultures of these pathogens and stored at 4-34°C. After the growth curves of these two pathogens were obtained, the modified Gompertz function was then fitted to the experimental curves. The parameter of specific growth rate was described by the Zwietering model. The models predicting the growth for these pathogens in chicken meat and parameters generated by pathogens modeling program (PMP) were then compared using the mathematical and statistical parameters such as mean square error (MSE), regression coefficient (R2), bias factor, and accuracy factor. The Zwietering model was found to be suitable for predicting the specific growth rate of L. monocytogenes and Y. enterocolitica in the chicken meat and parameters generated by PMP. In addition, the predicted value for the pathogens in the PMP was higher than that in the chicken meat. No growth was observed when L. monocytogenes was inoculated in chicken meat and stored at 4°C. In the presence of Y. enterocolitica, the growth of L. monocytogenes was competitively inhibited in chicken meat at the temperatures ranging from 10-34°C.
本研究主要利用Gompertz模式分別配適Listeria monocytogenes及Yersinia enterocolitica於不同溫度貯存(4-34℃)之熟雞肉系統中,以純菌或混菌接種後之生長曲線,再由生長曲線所獲得比生長速率之參數值,並與病原菌模式程式(Pathogens Modeling Program; PMP)系統所得比生長速率之參數值,利用Zwietering模式描述其比生長速率與溫度之關連性,並利用殘差均方(MSE)、迴歸係數(R2)、偏估因子(bias factor)及準確因子(accuracy factor)驗證模式的適用性。研究結果顯示,利用Zwietering模式可適當描述L. monocytogenes及Y. enterocolitica於雞肉系統中以純菌、混菌接種及PMP系統中其比生長速率與溫度之關連性。此兩種病原菌藉PMP所得比生長速率之預測值皆高於接種於純菌或混菌之雞肉系統中之預測值。L. monocytogenes於4℃貯存之雞肉中幾乎沒有生長,而於10-34℃貯存之混菌雞肉系統中,Y. enterocolitica則會抑制L. monocytogenes之生長,致使L. monocytogenes的最大菌量較於純菌系統時為低。 |