中文摘要 |
本研究已建立快速精確分析蛋中三種磺胺劑,磺胺二甲嘧啶(Sulfamethazine, SMT)、磺胺一甲氧嘧啶(Sulfamonomethoxine, SMM)與磺胺二甲氧嘧啶(Sulfadimethoxine, SDM)之高效能液相層析分析法。檢驗方法是利用丙酮與二氯甲烷萃取生蛋,檢液以低流途經矽膠匣(silica cartridge)與C18匣(C18 cartridge)濃縮淨化,然後再配合高效能液相層析儀進行定量分析。添加標準品濃度由0.1至1 ppm於蛋中之結果其回收率均達90%以上,同時針封市售洗選蛋作后磺胺劑殘留之調查,共計150件,結果有兩件磺胺劑殘留超量的情形發生。
A rapid and precise method was developed for detection of three sulfonamide compounds (SMT, SMM and SDM) by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Egg samples were extracted with acetone and dichloromethane solvent. The extract was then cleaned up and concentrated by a silica cartridge and a C18 cartridge with low flow rates before being subjected to HPLC analysis. Recoveries for spiked egg samples were above 90% for all three specific sulfonamide compounds. When the method was applied to 150 commercial egg samples, only two samples were detected with sulfonamide residue concentrations over 0.1 ppm." |
英文摘要 |
A rapid and precise method was developed for detection of three sulfonamide compounds (SMT, SMM and SDM) by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Egg samples were extracted with acetone and dichloromethane solvent. The extract was then cleaned up and concentrated by a silica cartridge and a C18 cartridge with low flow rates before being subjected to HPLC analysis. Recoveries for spiked egg samples were above 90% for all three specific sulfonamide compounds. When the method was applied to 150 commercial egg samples, only two samples were detected with sulfonamide residue concentrations over 0.1 ppm. |