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The Feminist Scholarship and Self-Construal of Xue Shao Hui–Ten Poems on Lessons for Women
作者 王雪卿
This study discussedXue Shao Hui’s feminist point of view by analyzing her ten poems on Lessons for Women. Comparing Xue’s ten poems and Commandments for Women, authored by Ban Zhao, a female role model whomXue highly praised, and this study demonstrated the internal change of education for women in late Qing Dynasty, when the society was confronted with the challenge of modern thinking. Reflecting on the problem arising from intellectuals advocating for feminist studies, Xue renewedthe affirmation for traditional education for women, and she constructed her ideal qualities of women: being talented, wise and virtuous, and valiant. She acclaimed both female talents and Confucian etiquette. However, the image of women that Xue constructed was no longer the oppressed and the weak in Ban Zhao’s historical conditions. Rather, she believed that women chose to meet traditional expectations on them because they affirmed the value of families. Furthermore, she drew on the concept of self-cultivation from Confucianism to regulate herself. Judging from Xue’s attitude toward Confucianism, this study concluded that women started to have subjective perspectives, rather than adopting a mere objective role.
起訖頁 103-135
關鍵詞 薛紹徽晚清訓女詩班昭《女誡》女學Xue Shao Huilate Qing DynastyCommandments for Women by Ban Zhaoeducation for women
刊名 高雄師大學報  
期數 201407 (20期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 試析成玄英《莊子疏》中「重玄」、「至論」與「體用」的關係
該期刊-下一篇 眾星拱月的《程傳》──論《程傳》問世的效應與朱子《易》學以何獨霸及對明清數學之影響




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