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The research about the entrance poetry in different stage librettos of Yuan zaju
作者 陳富容
This article will research about the entrance poetry in different stage librettos of Yuan zaju. In addition to understanding worthies research about the entrance poetry, and as a basis for comparative and analysis, to supplement the phased difference in the face of the worthies no time to explore. I had found there are two major lack when I summarized the worthies research about the entrance poetry. One is the lack of detailed exploration for Yuan Dynasty published about its existence poetry;the other is lack of comparative and analysis that contained in the two stages of Yuan zaju about the librettos that played in palace at Ming Dynasty and '' The anthology of Yuan zaju ''. Therefore, in the basis of previous studies,I will discuss these two areas that little be know. By comparing with the different stages of the version, in addition to restore as much as possible to play the overview of the presence of poetry in the Drama of the Yuan Dynasty published,and also summarized what adaptations were done by Zang Mao-xun in the entrance poetry of Yuan zaju.
起訖頁 105-130
關鍵詞 元雜劇元刊本明代宮廷本元曲選上場詩Yuan zajuthe librettos that published in Yuan Dynastythe librettosthat played in palace at Ming DynastyThe anthology of Yuan zajutheentrance poetry of Yuan zaju
刊名 國文學報  
期數 201306 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從遊於一方到安樂其所:明中篇傳奇小說愛情追求敘事試探
該期刊-下一篇 王國維「遊戲說」對席勒的轉換及述評




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