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Narrating courting in romance novelettes of the Ming Dynasty
作者 林雅玲 (Ya-Ling Lin)
Guosetianxiang, Xiuguchunrong and Wanjingqinglin are novelettes published during Wan-li period. There are different literary works including poetry, prose, fiction and bulletins. Generally speaking, romances are the main writing in these literary works. This thesis is focused on narrating courting in the romances to find out their changes and movements. Especially the writings are different in routes, sceneries, circumstances and other affairs between Wan-li period and Tan, Song romance. Descriptions about the courting between two lovers are more complex than before. They are changed from open to private areas, outdoors to indoors. Writing of the routes and buildings are increased. Attics, booths and bedrooms are so luxurious. The luxurious writing style represents the more materialized of the Wan-li period. And those who are involved in the romance novelettes are successful candidates in the highest imperial civil service examination. They enjoy reading love stories to release themselves from the stress of examination. In order to be consonant with the reading appetite of the successful candidates, the writing style is more luxurious and materialized in the romance works.
起訖頁 87-104
關鍵詞 中篇傳奇小說愛情敘事romance novelettes lovenarratin
刊名 國文學報  
期數 201306 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 朱子義理研究之方法論芻議──以「晚年宗說」為探討主軸
該期刊-下一篇 元雜劇上場詩之階段性差異研究




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