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Philosophy Mixing with Literature–Han Fei’s Achievement and Unique Feature in Chinese Literature
作者 管力吾
Han Fei (280B.C.-233B.C.) is an accumulator and former of legislation in ancient Chinese legal circles. He is also a distinctive man of letters among all classes of philosophers in former Chin dynasty. Han Fei is far beyond other philosophers in creating literary formats. He has owned the greatest format maker since ancient China. Positive and strict with logical rules is one feature of Han Fei’s Articles, while to show the truism of his philosophy by a great many illustrations and allegories is the other. He always enriches the metaphor by a lot of allegories. Han Fei’s elegant and brilliant style is specially readable. His ingenious technique, variance in expressions but arranged in regular order, is manifestation of strong sentiment and profound contents. It is because his point of view conflicts with Confucianism; Han Fei has been regarded as an object of contempt by scholars of the Confucian school for more than two thousand years. However, in the free-thinking of 21st century, Han Fei’s philosophy, together with his fame in Chinese literature, should be imperishable.
起訖頁 101-119
關鍵詞 韓非思想與文學的輝映結構與邏輯博喻之富薄其為人Han FeiPhilosophy mixing with literatureenriches the metaphorobject of contempt imperishable
刊名 國文學報  
期數 201206 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《史記》敘事與《公羊》書法之比較
該期刊-下一篇 從唐代古文運動看相應的書法觀念




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