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On the Acquisition of the Focus Particle by Taiwanese JFL Learners through Compositions-A Longitudinal Study
作者 翟翠翎
The present paper, based on LARP composition corpus, aims at clarifying the route and rate of the acquisition of the focus particle by Taiwanese JFL learners. The research has led to the following findings: 1) The acquisition order goes as "mo1‧wa‧dake"→"mo2‧bakari"→ "shika"→"nado1"→"sae1"→"made"→"kurai‧koso." 2) Two thirds of the focused elements emerge in phase 1, and concerning the development of the form of "predicate VP+F(focus particle)," it goes as "V-(r) u+F"→ "V-te+F+iru" as well as "V-(i)+F+suru." 3) Three types of misuses of focused elements, namely "focus-on-subject type," "NP-PP confusion type," and "confusion of the other parts beyond NP-PP type," as well as two types of misuses of focus particle, namely "overuse of mo1" and "structural mistake," are found. It shows a correlation between the order of acquisition, the frequency of use, and the degree of difficulty of the particles. The development of focus particle has to do with not only readiness but also the type of the learner, namely whether the learner is of a prudent type or not. Moreover, "focus-on-subject type" of misuse is considered a form of mother tongue transfer.
起訖頁 44-73
關鍵詞 行政員警研究生第二外文投影片指導與學習之互動administrative policepostgraduate studentThe second foreign languagePowerPointThe interaction between the instructor and the learners
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201407 (43期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 対照研究を通してみる日中両言語の違い
該期刊-下一篇 「警學高級日文」教授法之探討




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