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Development of Learning Strategies Questionnaire for Listening Comprehension-JFL Learners in Taiwan as Target
作者 吳如惠
筆者致力於聽解教育研究課題之主要原因是有鑑於在台灣的日語學習者大部分並未能成功的提升自我的聽解能力。而聽解能力在重視溝通能力的現今,更是語言學習過程中不可忽視的一環。教導學習者習得適當的學習策略,進而改善不良的學習行為,已成為語言教學者非常重要的課題之一。吳(2008, 2010)針對優秀的語言學習者進行訪談調查,整理出對於有助於提升聽解能力之學習策略項目一覽表,共34項目。吳(2011)利用此學習策略項目一覽表,調查台灣日語學習者之聽力練習相關策略之使用情形,並利用調查結果進行各策略項目效度之檢驗。本研究進一步利用所蒐集到共620份的有效問卷調查結果,進行因數分析。分析結果共抽出「基礎策略」、「後設認知策略」、「視聽.真實教材利用策略」、「推測策略」、「持續策略」、「合作策略」等6項因數,成功提出新的學習策略分類法。並通過信度檢驗,完成一份讓台灣日語學習者容易應用之聽力相關學習策略量表,共33項目。"
Main purpose of this research in Listening Comprehension education is based on the fact that most of the Japanese learners in Taiwan were not able to improve their listening comprehension ability successfully. While emphasizing in communication skill, this ability is key part within the language learning process. It has become one of the important topics to teach learner acquiring appropriate learning strategies and improve learning behavior effectively.With a interview survey targeting good language learners, the auther (2008, 2010) developed a Learning Strategy List for Listening Comprehension containing 34 items. Based on it, the author (2011) conducted a survey of Japanese language learners' utilization of the 34 strategies. Result passed validity verification of each strategy item.Furthermore, a factor analysis was conducted based on the collected 620 valid surveys. The result helped filtering out 6 factors including ”Basic Strategies”, ”Meta-cognitive Strategies”, ”Authentic Material Using Strategies”, ”Inferencing Strategies”, ”Continuation Strategies”, ”Cooperation Strategies”. A new method of categorizing learning strategies is developed and it had also passed reliability test. Result of this research can provide an easy way for the Japanese language learners in Taiwan utilizing Strategy Inventory for Listening Comprehensive learning.
起訖頁 48-76
關鍵詞 日本語文學系東吳大學台灣專業日語一般日語Japanese departmentSoochow UniversityTaiwanJSPJapanese for Specific PurposesJGPJapanese for General Purposes
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201207 (39期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從OPI與舊式日本語能力測驗之相關性看日語學習者的會話能力--以文藻外語學院為例
該期刊-下一篇 綜合大學日本語文學系專業日語之定位--以東吳大學為例




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