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對日文作文的否定反饋研究--以LARP at SCU 語料庫為題材
Negative feedbacks and its effects on Students’ Japanese compositions: a case study from LARP at SCU
作者 陳淑娟 (Shu-Chuan Chen)
本稿是研究教師以「Focus on Form」指導法,對學生的日文作文給予「否定反饋」的效用,以LARP at SCU 語料庫,教師對學生進行訪談的部分為探討對象,釐清否定反饋的內容特徵。所謂「否定反饋」是:教師針對學生作文,表達不妥當之處,為促進學生自我訂正,給予明示或暗示的提醒,引發修正的訊息。每次20 分鐘的「否定反饋」錄音紀錄,平均4~6 個修正處,本研究以此為一個反饋單位,探討5位日籍教師對初級學生(大一下學期)所進行的5 次訪談,總計500 分鐘的對談語料。教師的判斷經常是依據經驗、認知、對作文的容許度,瞬間所下的決定,同時看著學生的反應、理解度,不斷變換調整使用的技巧。本文以(1)25 筆的訪談語料看出共同特徵傾向(2)使用的「否定反饋」技巧的基本手法(3)隨著學生水準提高,教師「否定反饋」技巧變化為研究課題。結果發現,雖然隨著學生水準提高,教師的「否定反饋」技巧並無變化,但是,教師判斷需提出修正的「項目」是具有共通性的;另外,「否定反饋」基本技巧有提示型、選擇型、類推型、反問型、說明型、間接暗示型等;而且,在注意學生自己進行調整時,顯示出:「保留正確答案」「催促思考」「多用疑問句」「不斷進行意義交涉」「使用高次語言說明」等共同原則。
This paper studies the negative feedbacks and its effects on students’Japanese composition. We use the data from LARP (LanguageAcquisition Research Project) at SCU Corpus and record 25 interviewsfrom 5 Japanese teachers and their feedbacks to first year Japanesestudents’ compositions. We have recorded a total of 500 minuterecordings and divided them into the first and second draft feedbacksections.Negative feedback is defined as the one on one negotiation betweenteacher and student. It aims to encourage students to find out theirmistakes through the interactions with their teachers which can includetechniques such as explicit feedback, explanation, clarification,confirmation check and recast. In each of the 20 minute recordednegotiation, we focus on 4-6 mistakes and base our analyses on thetechniques and its effects on the updated drafts. We hope to find outwhich technique(s) will be most effective for students’ writingcomprehension. Our results show that there is no significant difference inteachers’ correcting strategies but there are commonalities in what ateacher will correct on a student’s composition.
起訖頁 31-52
關鍵詞 台灣日語教育教師培育區域別日語教育學東吳大學TaiwanJapanese-language educationteacher trainingregional Japanese pedagogySoochow University
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201101 (36期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣日語科系研究所學生之生涯調查研究
該期刊-下一篇 台灣的日語教師培育--以東吳大學的事例研究為主




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