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A Jurisprudential Study of Scientific Legislation:Based on an Analysis of Transmutation of the Concept of Reason
作者 洪沖
The rule of law is regarded as a shared cultural concept in modern democratic countries,and the positive law is an important legal source in the traditional state of the law,and its significance in the process of realizing the rule of law goes without saying.Legislation,as the core of dealing with the positive law field,it seems that the importance of its theory is also natural.However,in fact,in the influence of rationalism and scientism in epistemological traditions,whether the natural law school or the analytic positive law school,it can be said that the legislative issue has not received its due concern,Legislation is regarded as a place to deal with value disputes,and value discussion is not a cause of reason,so legislation is irrational.In Perelman’s theory,the study of value derivation logic is restored,and a new approach to re-understand the rational concept is put forward,and the emphasis on legislative science must be based on the rationality of legislation and follow the proposed methodological guidelines,so as to clarify the practical significance of the scientific discourse of legislation,this article based on the evolution of the rational concept and its change in the field of legal theory then to anchor the proper understanding of scientific Legislation.
起訖頁 91-102
關鍵詞 立法科學立法理性合情理性legislationpositivismscientific legislationrationalreasonable
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201711 
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 地方立法特色的缺失及其規制——以地方立法“抄襲”為視角
該期刊-下一篇 如何把握《行政處罰法》有關規定與地方立法權限的關系——在第二十三次全國地方立法工作座談會上的講話




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