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Study on the Development Model and System Construction of the Copyright Insurance in China
作者 楊帆 (YANG Fan)李鋆
無權處分、盜版、剽竊等現象凸顯了版權市場的交易風險,影響創意文化產業的健康發展。在依靠傳統的自力救濟、私力救濟或是公力救濟都難以為權利人提供有效的法律保障之際,著作權保險不失為一種新的替代型救濟機制。從世界各國的保險實踐來看,著作權保險主要包含著作權執行保險和著作權侵權責任保險兩種主要類型。另外,我國根據版權交易市場的需要,也設計了著作權交易保證保險。我國著作權保險應確立“以政府引導為主導、以市場運作為基礎,以立法完善為保障”的發展模式,依靠政府引導推動退出制保險與市場競爭相結合,根據文化產業的發展需求和商業保險的本質特徵設計保險合同,立法規範版權交易市場、完善著作權損害賠償制度,專章規定著作 權保險或智慧財產權保險制度,為創意文化產業的繁榮發展保駕護航。
Unauthorized disposal, piracy, plagiarism and other phenomena highlight the transaction risk in the copyright market, impacting on the healthy development of cultural and creative industries. Since it's hard to provide a valid legal protection for the obligee by self-remedy, private relief or public remedy, the introduction of the copyright insurance can yet be regarded as a new altemative re1ief mechanism. Seeing from the insurance practice all over the world, copyright insurance mainly includes copyright enforcement litigation insurance and copyright infringement liability insurance the two types, and our country has design the copyright trading bonding insurance for the demand of the copyright trading market. To insure the development of the cultural and creative industries, copyright insurance should be modeled as such being dominated by the govemment guidance, being based by the market operation and being ensured by the perfection of legislation. Relying on the govemment to combine the 'opting out' scheme with market competition, designing the insurance contract on the basis of the demand of the cultural industry and the essence of the commercial insurance, and making laws to regulate copyright trading market, perfect the damage compensation system in the copyright law and set a chapter for the intellectual property insurance or copyright insurance, the copyright insurance will insure the boom of the cultural and creative industries.
起訖頁 102-131
關鍵詞 著作權保險政府引導市場運作退出制保險Copyright InsuranceGovemment GuidanceMarket OperationOpting Out Scheme
刊名 私法  
期數 201605 (25期)
出版單位 華中科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 自動化駕駛與法律
該期刊-下一篇 試論我國失能老人監護制度之完善




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