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To Learn is to Undertake: The Impact of the 1519 Literati Purge on Cheng- Zhu Neo-Confucianism in Joseon Dynasty Korea
作者 蔡至哲
From the time of Sejong the Great 世宗大王(r. 1418-1450), the Koreanroyal court established a political culture that continued to respect the authorityof scholar-officials, in contrast to the Ming dynasty, which was the highpointof imperial authority in China. This meant that Neo-Confucians on the Koreanpeninsula could still dream of winning the ruler’s trust to implement the Way.Jo Gwang-jo (조광조, 趙光祖) and other Neo-Confucians who fell victimto the Third Literati Purge of 1519, were once dedicated to the “return to theThree Dynasties”reformist cause. However, circumstances at the foundationof the Kingdom of Joseon had allowed the so-called Hungu faction to maintainits political strength. Time and again, the Hungu faction came into seriousconflict with the Neo-Confucians, who, as a result, were faced with a seriesof purges and thrown into crisis. In the wake of these literati purges, Neo-Confucians in Joseon led by Yi Hwang (이황, 李滉) reflected on the historicallessons of Jo Gwang-jo’s failure in office. Unlike Ming Neo-Confucians,who turned their backs on Zhu Xi’s ideas and sought reform, Joseon Neo-Confucians chose to turn inward and explore his theories more deeply. Thisresulted in a period of development, re-interpretation, and deepening of theCheng-Zhu school in Joseon.
起訖頁 101-135
關鍵詞 趙光祖李滉(退溪)士禍政治主體意識朝鮮朱子學Jo Gwang-Jo 조광조Yi Hwang 이황literati purgespolitical subject consciousnessJoseon Cheng-Zhu school
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201803 (36:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 唐宋誌公神異傳說與中日十一面、十二面觀音信仰
該期刊-下一篇 達士窮途之悲,壯夫歧路之淚──夏完淳〈大哀賦〉的自悼與自贖




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