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How to Reduce the Risk of Lung Cancer with a More Healthy Diet
作者 盧瑞華
肺癌是目前罹患率及死亡率最高的癌症,戒菸、戒酒及避免環境污染,早期篩檢及治療是很重要的。研究指出約20-30% 的癌症是與飲食及生活型態有關,包括肺癌,故本文僅以最近多篇統合分析文獻之結果,分享飲食與肺癌相關的研究,介紹可降低肺癌風險的飲食建議,包括減少紅肉及肉類加工製品,每天增加50-120 克紅肉攝取,罹患肺癌的風險上升至20- 35%;增加魚類、豆類的攝取;每天攝取適當的維生素是很重要的,每天若增加100mg 的維生素C,可降低7% 得到肺癌的風險,每天若增加2mg 的維生素E 攝取,可降低5% 肺癌發生率。在飲食中也應該增加蔬菜水果,尤以十字花科蔬菜更重要。期盼本文可以增加飲食與肺癌相關之知識,也盼能引發更多針對此議題相關研究,以累積更多知識,降低肺癌之風險。
Lung cancer is currently the highest incidence and mortality of cancer, smoking cessation, alcohol andavoid environmental pollution, early screening and treatment is very important. Studies have shown thatabout 20-30% of the cancer is related to diet and lifestyle, including lung cancer. This article reviews therelevant literature about the diet and lung cancer risks, including a daily increase of 50-120 grams of redmeat intake, the risk of lung cancer rose to 20-35%; reduced red meat and meat processing products isrecommend along with increasing fish and soy products. Daily intake of appropriate vitamins is important.If increasing 100mg of vitamin C daily can reduce the risk of lung cancer by 7%. Increasing 2mg ofvitamin E daily can reduce the incidence of lung cancer by 5%. The diet should also increase the intake offruits and vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables. We hope this article can increase the diet and lungcancer-related knowledge and also to raise more relevant issues related to this study, to accumulate moreknowledge toreduce the risk of lung cancer.
起訖頁 26-35
關鍵詞 健康飲食肺癌風險healthy dietlung cancerrisk
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201803 (29:1期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 探討慢性B、C 型肝炎患者之護理指導需求
該期刊-下一篇 兒科加護病房靜脈安全給藥之改善專案




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