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From a Struggling Reader to an Engaged Reader: A Self Case Study of L2 Reading Strategies of an International Doctoral Student in the U.S.
作者 黃耀鋒
本個案研究經由質化分析探討作者自身之英語閱讀策略。本研究由內觀及外觀的觀點分析作者之自敘、回想、文件、及深度訪談。研究問題為(1) 作者是否針對不同的閱讀目的採取不同的閱讀策略? (2) 當接觸到艱澀的題材時,作者對語言的掌控是否有短路的現象? (3) 作者在一知半解的情況下採取何種閱讀策略以完成閱讀? (4) 作者是否和文獻結果相同,使用整體理解閱讀策略遠多於局部理解閱讀策略?研究結果顯示,作者針對不同的閱讀目的採取不同的閱讀策略;背景知識的不足造成理解困難;作者必需在一知半解的情況下決定繼續閱讀以保持動力進而完成閱讀;整體而言,作者使用整體理解閱讀策略遠多於局部理解閱讀策略。文末提供未來閱讀策略研究方向及外語閱讀策略教學建議。
The purpose of this qualitative study is to identify the L2 reading strategies of an international doctoral student from both emic and etic perspectives. The research questions are: (1) Does the reader apply different strategies for different purposes? (2) Does the reader’s control over language short circuit when he encounters difficult readings? (3) What good enough reading decisions does the reader make when he reads as a doctoral student? (4) Does the reader tend to use global strategies more than local strategies as previous research showed? Methods of this case study include narrative analysis, structured recall protocol, document analysis, and stimulated recall. Analyses from the data indicate that (1) The researcher used multiple strategies for different purposes. (2) The researcher short circuited on many occasions and the importance of background knowledge. (3) The researcher had to make good enough reading decisions in order to get the momentum to finish the readings. (4) The researcher used mostly global strategies rather than local ones, which corroborated findings in the literature. Future research directions and pedagogical implications were also suggested in the end.
起訖頁 175-192
關鍵詞 第二語言習得英語教學第二語言閱讀閱讀策略SLAEFLL2 readingreading strategy
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201203 (40期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 台灣學生英語母音後之流音/r/發音問題研究




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