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Viewing the nun problem of Setouchi zyakutyou from the “female moral”
作者 王淑芬 (Shu-Fen Wang)
Setouchi zyakutyou was a famous writer of Japanese women literature. She wrote many outstanding novels published. Most people feel surprised that she decided to be a nun while she was a famous writer. Instead, she did not stop writing and continue to be more active in the literary world. Her realistic novels “female moral “book published in Showa thirty-eight years. The hero of the novel -Tami had the experience of emotional vicissitudes and life's going wrong. She tried to commit suicide several times but unsuccessful, finally she decided to be a nun. Setouchi nun had a rich emotional life once, which experienced love, marriage, affairs, divorce, self-mutilation, and other vigorous passion disputes. When Setouchi was fifty-one years old, as the book “female moral “was completed ten years later. She did the same thing just like the protagonist (Tami) did, Setouchi decided to be a nun and entered a monastery. What she decided to do is more and more close to Tami did. This article aims to examine the characters feelings and writers’ projection effects actor (Tami) of “female moral”. Moreover, compare what is different between Setouchi and Tami. By investigating the actor (Tami) a nun of the spiritual path, Setouchi further, explore the life of the inner sense for self-development and self-reflection, finding her and two of the nuns. They have much common ground, and they did not firmly believe in religious. Both of them had same feelings and similar life experience.
起訖頁 39-57
關鍵詞 文字出家瀨戶內寂聽情慾literatureSetouchiBonzeLoveLiterature
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201203 (40期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 國小學童環境問題認知探討--以屏東市與枋寮鄉為例
該期刊-下一篇 以結構方程模式探討濕地生態保育知識、態度、行為之影響




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