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A Research on Folk Festival and Buddhist Culture—Take Buddha's Birthday, the eighth day of the fourth month in Chinese lunar calendar, as an Example
作者 蕭玉娟
Buddhism was introduced into China in late Eastern Han Dynasty, accompanied by Buddha’s Birthday. It received an enthusiastic response. To a certain degree, Buddhism agglomerated people’s affections, passed down history, and had meanings of continuity and re-creation. Buddha's Birthday comes from commemorating Buddha and promoting Buddhism doctrines, but in different historical eras, its minimal changes ceaselessly occurred; the religious and the secular are integrated into a new meaning in folk. However, the meaning of Buddha's Birthday in Buddhism doctrines does not change. As for Buddhist festivals, Buddha's Birthday used to stir up the tide of the era: from the king to common people, all are exulted and pious to welcome Buddha and pray for blessing. Today, Buddha's Birthday still has a certain influence. This paper focuses on Buddha's Birthday in China after its introduction, with relevant notes and documents. Buddha's Birthday has combined with Chinese traditional cultural characteristics in the changes of eras and it has integrated the secular and the local, and becomes a compound festival.
起訖頁 105-125
關鍵詞 浴佛節行像結緣節慶Buddha's Birthdaythe parade of Buddha’s statue on carsforming affinityfestival celebration
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201003 (36期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 應外系學生對中英相似語詞語義差異理解之研究
該期刊-下一篇 以拮抗性木黴菌防治豇豆鐮胞菌萎凋病




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