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屏東市市民96 年之健康概況分析
Analysis of the Residents Health Profile of Ping-Tung City in 2007
作者 葉壽山余金燕陳清軒盧耀華
目的:分析屏東市民眾之整體健康狀況及相關生活型態,做為未來繼續推動屏東市健康城市計畫之參考。方法:本研究利用衛生署關於屏東市居民死亡檔案統計資料,屏東市健康城市市民健康檔案進行二手資料分析,以及民國96 年屏東市各里別隨機抽樣電話訪問調查。我們以居民生活型態、醫療服務利用、以及健康狀態等三方面分析屏東市市民健康概況。結果:在生活型態方面:抽菸人口為14.0 %;嚼檳榔人口為3.9 %;符合衛生署推廣的每週運動三次、每次三十分鐘、會喘流汗的規律運動人口有21.0%;在醫療服務利用方面:40 歲以上居民三高(血壓、血糖、血脂)之量測頻度很低。一般健康檢查;27.7%的女性老人、43.5%的男性老人未做檢查,各年齡層別中仍有33%~46%男性、20%~50%女性未做檢查;在健康狀態方面,屏東市市民死因,位居榜首的惡性腫瘤(26.9%),幾乎每四個死亡市民就有一個死於癌症,第2、3、4 順位的心臟疾病、糖尿病以及腦血管疾病合計占死亡市民的30.2%。因此惡性腫瘤、心臟疾病、糖尿病以及腦血管疾病的問題是屏東市居民的健康議題。結論:期望本研究所發現之屏東市健康問題及各生活型態之性別及年齡層分佈可以提供屏東市公所、屏東縣衛生局規劃其健康目標、分配醫療資源及行為介入計畫之參考。
Purpose:To use an analysis of the general health of Ping-Tung city residents in relation to their lifestyle as references for developing a future “healthy city” program. Method:This research project utilized death statistics obtained from the Department of Health and the National Health Administration of Ping-Tung city, data collected from personal interviews conducted with resident of Ping-Tung city and a random sampling of Ping-Tung city telephone surveys from 2007 designed to identify respondents’ life style/habits, healthcare service utilization, and state of health. Result: The Life style/habits data showed that more than 14.0 % of adults smoke and 3.9% use betel nut; 21.0 % of adults exercise regularly for 30 minutes three times a week which conforms to Department of Health standards. The data for utilization of healthcare services indicated that individuals over 40 have a low frequency of health examinations which relates to the “3 high B’s” (blood pressure, blood sugar and blood cholesterol). General health examination data showed 27.7% of elderly women and 43.5% of elderly men have never taken a health examination. The data for the general population showed that 33~46% of adult men and 20~50% of adult women have never taken a health examination. The health status category showed the leading cause of death in Ping-Tung city is malignant tumor (26.9%); nearly one of every four deaths was the result of cancer. The second leading cause of death is heart disease with diabetes and cerebral blood vessel disease accounting for the third and fourth leading causes of death (30.2%). It is therefore evident that malignant tumor, heart disease, diabetes and cerebral blood vessel disease are the major health issues facing the residents in Ping-Tung city. Conclusion:It is hoped that the data derived from this Ping-Tung study will be of benefit to the Bureau of Public Health in Ping-Tung County as a reference in future planning of their health targets, distribution of medical resources, and behavior intervention programs for Ping-Tung residents.
起訖頁 25-40
關鍵詞 健康概況屏東市健康城市研究中心行為危險因子監測系統電話訪問西太平洋區域健康城市聯盟Health profileHealthy City Research Center of Ping-Tung cityBehavioral risk factor surveillance system (BRFSS)Telephone interviewThe Western Pacific region healthy city Alliance
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201003 (36期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 南台灣社區失智症老人日常生活功能之表現
該期刊-下一篇 追求自由的女性之自我完成――伊藤野枝的「転機」為中心(Women completed a double for freedom --The Noe Ito 'turning point' in the center)




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