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排球比賽得分因素與成績之研究——以96 年度企業四年甲級男子排球聯賽為例
A Research on the Correlation between Scoring Factors and Results of Volley Ball Tournament — Based on the 2007 Enterprise 4th Annual Class A Male Volley Ball League Tournament as Example
作者 義墾朱益成吳憲訓
本研究目的旨在分析排球比賽得分與比賽成績之因素,以 96 年度企業四年甲級男子排球聯賽為研究對象;以錄放影機撥放錄影帶進而實際觀察與紀錄,所得資料以描述性統計、多元尺度分析方法進行分析探討。研究結果如下:排球球隊在攻擊方面,以新竹力晶之攻守表現最佳,41.25 位居第一;在攔網方面,以台中銀之攔網表現最佳,7.00 位居第一;在發球方面,以台中銀之發球表現最佳,2.17 位居第一。根據這些數據顯示,得以了解各球隊在攻擊與防守的戰術能力之間各有差異,也各有所長,有的是以攻擊為主,如新竹力晶球隊;有的則是在防守技術方面略居上風,如台中銀球隊,並在發球方面也有所專長,進而提升球隊整體的能力與氣勢。
The purpose of this research is to analyze the correlation between scoring factors of volley ball tournament and tournament result and is based on the 2007 Enterprise 4th Annual Class A male volley ball league tournament as the research target. Video player is utilized to play the video tape to conduct actual observation and recording. Analysis and study is carried out based on the information obtained by means of descriptive statistic and multidimensional scaling method. The research results are as follows: for volley ball team and in respect of attack, the attack and defense performance of Hsin Chu PSC is the best with 41.25 and ranks number 1. In respect of blocking, the blocking performance of Taichung Bank is the best with 7.00 and ranks number 1. In respect of serving, the serving performance of Taichung Bank is the best with 2.17 and ranks number 1. Based on these data, there is difference on the attack and defense tactics ability of various ball teams and also each has its own merits. Some are mainly based on attack such as Hsin Chu PSC Team and some are slightly superior in defense technique. For example, Taichung Bank ball team also have special skill in serving that can further enhance the overall ability and vigor of the ball team.
起訖頁 19-34
關鍵詞 排球比賽得分比賽成績Volley ballTournament scoringTournament result
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 200909 (35期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 商業模式創新之實現:以神農i 工場為例
該期刊-下一篇 土石流光纖監測系統可行性研究




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