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Liu Xi-Hong, the First Qing Dynasty Deputy Ambassador to British, his thought and impressions of the Wes
作者 伊藤桃子
After Opium War, late imperial China was exposed to western military incursions repeatedly and began its modernizations. Some gentries had become a significant force around the middle of the nineteenth century in responding to these western invading pressures. They were also known as the conservatives in late Qing. Above all, they had already rooted deeply in the past Sino-Western contacting history. One remarkable figure in late Qing was Liu Xi-Hong, the first Qing Dynasty deputy ambassador to British, who is representative of the conservatives. What was the gentries’ main point of view in the western world? How did they recognize the world? What were the interactions and relationships between late western views and traditional views of the world? This paper will examine two main questions. The first one is to explore Liu Xi-Hong’s thought, especially his view of the west before and after he left for London. This paper will use some resources, such as Liu’s memoirs, “Ying-Yao Si-Ji(英軺私 記)”, and official records, “Liu Guang-Lu Yi-Gao(劉光錄遺稿)” and so on. The other main question is to examine his view of the world and Sino-Barbarian Ideology(華夷 觀念) in context of the contemporary intellectual.
起訖頁 239-283
關鍵詞 劉錫鴻保守派西洋觀世界認知華夷觀念Liu Xi-Hong(劉錫鴻)conservatismwestern viewworldviewSino-Barbarian Ideology(華夷觀念)
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 200803 (32期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 她的故事:一位護理創新競賽得獎者之生涯歷程




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