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Exploration of the Association Between Workplace Bullying and Attitudes Toward Patient Safety in Female Nurses
作者 林育萱蕭淑代林秋芬楊勤熒鍾明惠
背景:職場霸凌易導致受害者身心受創,造成照護品質低落,進而影響病人安全。目的:探討職場霸凌與女性護理師照護病人安全態度之相關性。方法:以橫斷性研究設計,採方便取樣,研究對象為某區域教學醫院的女性護理師,研究工具為結構式問卷,包括「個人基本資料表」、「負向行為事件量表」及「病人安全態度量表」。研究期間共發出問卷420份,納入分析之有效問卷共329份,回收率78.3%,資料收集後以SPSS 22.0套裝軟體進行資料分析。結果:研究發現女性護理師有29.8%的人表示曾遭受不同程度的職場霸凌,對病人安全態度平均得分為3.58(±0.55),職場霸凌對女性護理師照護病人安全態度為顯著負相關(p<.01),且職場霸凌是女性護理師照護病人安全態度顯著預測因子。結論:實務應用本研究建議主管主動關心及教育人員面對衝突時的因應技巧;組織管理者設置相關的通報機制以建構安全的工作環境,如此可減少職場霸凌,進而提升護理師照護病人安全態度,間接提升病人照護品質。
Background: Workplace bullying is known to have a significant and detrimental effect on the physical and psychological outcomes of its victims. The reactions of victims to bullying may decrease clinical care outcomes and patient safety. Purpose: To explore the relationship between workplace bullying and the attitudes of female nurses toward the safety of their patients. Methods: This cross-sectional survey study used convenience sampling. Participants included female nurses from a regional teaching hospital. The research tool was a three-part, structured questionnaire that included a basic personal information datasheet, negative behavior scale, and patient safety attitude scale. The researcher distributed 420 questionnaires and collected 329 valid samples (valid return rate: 78.3%). Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 22.0. Results: The analysis found that 29.8% of the participants had suffered from various degrees of workplace bullying. The mean score for patient safety attitudes was 3.58 (standard deviation = 0.55). Workplace bullying and patient safety attitudes were negatively correlated (p < .1), and being a recipient of workplace bullying was identified as a significant predictor of attitudes toward patient safety. Conclusions: Based on the results, we suggest that supervisors should take the initiative to care for their nursing staffs and to provide them with training in conflict-oriented skills. Organization managers should set up relevant committee-notification mechanisms that construct the safe working environment necessary to reduce workplace bullying and to enhance the patient safety attitudes of nurses, which will indirectly improve the quality of patient care.
起訖頁 51-60
關鍵詞 職場霸凌病人安全態度護理人員workplace bullyingpatient safety attitudesnurses
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 201802 (65:1期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 探討產後婦女之母乳哺育自我效能與哺乳意圖對母乳哺育行為的影響
該期刊-下一篇 運用實證探討口服麩醯胺對癌症病人接受化學治療引起的周邊神經病變之成效




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