英文摘要 |
The World Health Organization (WHO) is increasingly stressing the importance of living a healthylifestyle in its health promotion work. Lifestyle is associated inextricably with ethnic and culturalmores. Traditional Chinese medicine is closely tied to traditional culture, with traditional Chinesemedicine concepts accepted by and woven into the daily life of people living in Taiwan. TraditionalChinese medicine embodies comprehensive principles and methods for maintaining personal health indaily life, which helps prevent disease. Thus, traditional Chinese medicine encompasses and reflectsdaily life concepts advocated by the WHO and fits within the framework of WHO traditional medicalpolicies. This article was written to introduce the principles of health promotion of daily life as advocatedby traditional Chinese medicine, including regular daily activities (sleep, diet, defecation and exercise)and methods of preventing unhealthy environmental factors from negatively impacting humanhealth. Health promotion principles and methods embodied in traditional Chinese medicine may serveas a reference for enhancing health promotion and policy development work of health institutions. |