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勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Case Study of Social Enterprises of Import Technological Innovation to Develop Friendly Cities-Our City Love as An Example
作者 劉維琪謝玲芬侯玉松趙瑀王張煒黃春長鄭淑芳
社會企業的特色在於:1. 以解決社會問題為目的,讓社會價值遠在盈餘及股東利益之上;2. 社會企業以創新為基礎,尋找嶄新的經營模式,自給自足是社會企業有別於傳統公益組織的基準。众社企致力於推動友善城市,其企業核心目標有(1)推動無障礙環境與服務的發展;(2)推動身障者尊嚴就業。導入科技創新方式,藉由愛的特派員進行餐廳訪查,將所蒐集的資料由APP送到雲端,再由身障者管理雲端資料,然後再更新APP資料,形成完整的工作鏈。众社企致力於僱用身障者為全民蒐集有關食衣住行育樂各方面的友善服務與無障礙資訊,並透過APP將這些資訊免費提供給大眾。本研究藉由深度訪談,以众社企為探討個案,訪談對象包括創辦人、員工、愛的特派員、社團法人台灣智慧生活促進協會秘書長、協會理事、創投公司、會計師、友善餐廳業者、及友善系列APP用戶,深入了解众社企的科技創新及營運方式,進而應用解方經濟理論來推導其策略營運模式,以供未來欲創立社會企業之青年、現行社會企業業者做為參考。
Characteristics of social enterprises is: 1. To solve social problems for the purpose, so that social values far above the earnings and shareholder interests; 2. Social enterprises based on innovation, looking for a new business model, self-sufficiency is different from the traditional social welfare organizations, the benchmarks. Our CityLove Social Enterprise is committed to promoting the friendly city, its core objectives are (1) promote the development of barrier-free environment and services;(2) promote the dignity of disabled persons employment. The introduction of scientific and technological innovation, by the Commissioner of love for restaurant visits, the information collected by the APP to the cloud, and then by the disabled to manage cloud data, and then update the APP information to form a complete work chain. Our CityLove Social Enterprise are committed to hiring disabled people to collect information on food and clothing, entertainment and barrier-free access to all aspects of food and clothing, and through APP to the information provided free of charge to the public
起訖頁 107-119
關鍵詞 社會企業營運模式众社企
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201706 (25:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 各國學生校內兼職者加保規定之研究
該期刊-下一篇 國內茶葉製造業者安全衛生評估研究―─以南投縣茶農為例




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