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Restudying the Old Impede Learning the New: Sensemaking Adaptation of Semi-new Innovation
作者 朱彩馨
Sensemaking perspective is usually applied to explain people’s reaction to atechnology adoption. Most of sensemaking studies concern about how peopleinterpret a new innovation. But these findings may not be appropriate forexplaining the process that people make sense to a “semi-new” innovation. Aninnovation can be semi-new when it shares technology features with existinginnovation. To the users, this kind of innovation is not quite new because they haveknown the technology features well. In this light, users become senseless to thesemi-new innovation, and the sensemaking process would be strongly dominatedby the existing interpretation. Users may spontaneously apply their existinginterpretations to understand the semi-new innovation, and use it as the way theyusually do. Therefore, instead of tuning existing sesnsemaking, the sensemaking toward semi-new innovation might involves a process of unlearn and relearn.This study described the sensemaking adaptation process of a semi-newtechnology. By analyzing how university faculty used an e-learning technology in anational university located in the middle Taiwan, our findings presented threeperiods of sensemaking adaptation which involved with unlearn and relearn. Thefindings showed, the faculty initially understood the e-learning technology by theirexisting sense on the particular technology features, and used these technologyfeatures as what they usually did. However, the consequences of technology usewere far from their expectation. After that, the faculty made sense of thetechnology along with their interpretations of being an educator, and thengenerated five distinct interpretations on the technology. By this case, wehighlighted that the existing sensemaking might impede the interpretation on seminewinnovation by making people pay attention to the “old technology features”without noticing the “new concept” of the semi-new innovation. Finally, thecontributions to academy and practice were also discussed.
起訖頁 137-183
關鍵詞 科技意會意會調適半新科技數位學習系統sensemakingsensemaking adaptationsemi-new innovationelearning system
刊名 中山管理評論  
期數 201503 (23:1期)
出版單位 國立中山大學管理學術研究中心
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