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東協五十年:共同體的歷史轉進與戰略意義(Fifty Years of ASEAN: Historical Transitions and Strategic Significance)
ASEAN 50 年:共同体の歴史的転換と戦略的意義
作者 楊昊 (Hao Yang)吳書嫺西方亞希子
東南亞區域整合的發展隨著東南亞國家協會(Association ofSoutheast Asian Nations, ASEAN)在1967年的正式成立而啟動,儘管歷經將近二十年的緩慢推進,不過到了後冷戰時期,東協整合的腳步轉而加快。特別是在1997年,東協成員國對於2020年東協願景的描繪,以及在2003年印尼峇里高峰會所設定的共同體藍圖與後續行動計畫,引領新世紀的東協朝向共同體目標來深化整合工作。本研究從當前區域合作與整合運動的和平化、共榮化與制度化等三個方向出發,探討東協整合五十年的歷史與戰略意義。其次,本研究進一步分析菲律賓於2017年擔任東協輪值主席所面臨到的戰略機會與具體成果。最後,本研究亦將針對東協共同體下一個五十年的挑戰進行盤整與分析。
The establishment of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) in 1967 was the genesis for Southeast Asian regional integration.Although progress was slow during ASEAN’s first two decades, in thepost-Cold War era the pace of regional integration has been accelerating. Inparticular, since ASEAN member states set out their ‘Vision 2020’ in 1997and since the announcement of the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprintat the 2003 ASEAN Leaders Summit in Bali, Indonesia, the ASEANintegration project has been deepening as the grouping moves towards itsgoal of becoming a leading regional community for the 21st century. Fromthe three core principles underpinning current regional cooperation andintegration — peace, co-prosperity and systematization — this researchinvestigates the historical and strategic significance of ASEAN integrationafter fifty years. Further, it analyses the strategic opportunities and outcomesfrom the Philippine chairmanship of ASEAN in 2017. Finally, it concludesby examining what the next 50 years hold for the ASEAN community.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 東協東協共同體區域主義菲律賓東協核心地位ASEANASEAN Communityregionalismthe PhilippinesASEAN Centrality
刊名 問題と研究  
期數 201709 (46:3期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 自由主義亞太區域秩序與日本外交:平川幸子--33照亮東協共同體和台灣(A Liberal Asia-Pacific Regional Order and Japan’s Diplomacy: More Light on the ASEAN Community and Taiwan)




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