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Moral Panic and the Legacy of Authoritarianism: Democratization and the Policies on Ketamine in Taiwan
作者 許良因劉名峰
In Taiwan, ketamine use among the young people has increased in recent years. Some legislators have called for upgrading ketamine use to a more serious criminal offence. These calls have been repeatedly rebuffed-for the eighth time in two years-by the advisory council which sets drug policy, we examined the context in which the demand for reclassification and the harsher punishment of ketamine users has arisen. We draw on the concept of“moral panic”and focused on the nature of the reaction to the problem by a particular group of people(legislators)in 2011 and 2012. Furthermore, we tied the concept of moral panic to Nobert Elias'arguments concerning the“civilizing processes. we situated this”short-term moral panic, which we regarded as a decivilizing process, within the longer term“civilizing process of democratization. In this article, we argued that, in Taiwan, democratization(a civilizing process)has played an important role in fostering the conditions in which moral panics(a decivilizing process)can ecase at is heavily inflected by the legacy of authoritarianism.
起訖頁 215-252
關鍵詞 K他命(愷他命)道德恐慌文明進程民主化KetamineEliasMoral panicsCivilizing processesDemocratization
刊名 文化研究  
期數 201709 (25期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 恐懼政治恐懼的政治性:養老保險與中國農民
該期刊-下一篇 前言:《戰狼II》中國崛起與性/別政治




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